storming the bastille
on the afternoon of july ,14 ,1789 the bastille was stormed my the people of paris. bastille was a prison at the time only had 7 inmates in it at the time of the storming. But was seen by the revolutionaries as a symbol of the monarchy's abuses of power; its fall was the flashpoint of the French Revolution. the prison was attacked my angry people of france. -
tennis court oath
the members of the French Estates-General who had begun to call themselves the National Assembly, took the Tennis Court Oath. vowing not to separate, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require. the reason it happen.Finding themselves locked out of their usual meeting hall at Versailles on June 20 and thinking that the king was forcing them to disband, they moved to a nearby indoor tennis court. who was involved the french estates-general. -
napoleonic code.
The napoleonic code because of it nationalism rises. Who was involved.It was drafted by a commission of four eminent jurists. Why it happened.The Code, with its stress on clearly written and accessible law, was a major step in replacing the previous patchwork of feudal laws. Napoleon Bonaparte allowed peasants to have land. He allowed them religious tolerance. He started to base jobs on talents. He controlled prices on food which means better fed people. significant because it was a new start. -
the big defeat:russia
the big defeat Russia. napoleon invades with 600,000 troops. Russia's response is scorched earth policy. winter hits and napoleon retreats,Russia attacks. napoleon returns to paris with a shattered reputation. only 20,000 troops make it back. the people that were involved in the big defeat were the russians, napoleon and his troops.it was significant to the revolution because it was the fall of napoleon bonaparte he was exiled to a island called elba. then they went back to having a king. -
the reign of terror and guillotine
the guillotine was a new killing machine that was the end for millions of people because the guillotine. the guillotine was a killing machine but here in more detail is the definition a machine with a heavy blade sliding vertically in grooves, used for beheading people. why the guillotine was made wasIt was originally developed as a more humane method of execution people what were involved in the reign of terror was french people mainly. the guillotine being made led to the reign of terror.