French Revolution

  • Opening of the Etat General at Versialles

    Opening of the Etat General at Versialles
    King Louis made a cuncil to start and increese the taxes which later on became the cause of the French Revolution.
  • The Tieres état

    The Tieres état
    The Tiers état represensetives were forced to leave but instead they insisted not to leave until the constitucion was over.
  • Captuering Bastille

    Captuering Bastille
    Many citenzens camed armed with anger of what the goverment was doing in the Bastille.
  • The Rights of people were declined.

    The Rights of people were declined.
    National Assembly decrees Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen and people started to get angrier.
  • Woman Revolution

    Woman Revolution
    Woman went beging to the king for bread in Versaille, after scuffles, they are fobbed off by the King.
  • Running away

    Running away
    King Louis XVI tries to escape off to Varness but gets cought by the people and was forced to get back to Paris.
  • Confirmacion

    Afer King Louis gets cought trying to escape he is cleerly forced to sigh the constitucion.
  • War vs Austira

    War vs Austira
    King Louis declears war vs Austria but the France army flees at sight of the enemy.
  • King Louis death

    King Louis death
    King Louis gets expelled from his life after all betraded him since he had so much power.
  • Robespierre get arested and killed

    Robespierre get arested and killed
    Robsespierre get called by the convention. He is arrested and killed after he tried to insuruct which he failed.