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french revolution

By kushi
  • call of the estates general

    call of the estates general
    in 1789, the king called a meeting of the estates general.it was the first meeting of the estates general since 1614 he called the meeting because the government was having financial problems, on June 20th when the third estate had returned for another meeting the doors were locked by the other estates ( 1 and 2) it made them very upset and all of them walked to the tennis court and took their oath.This had a very huge impact on the french revolution as this was the event that triggered the FR.
  • the tennis court oath

    the tennis court oath
    Finding themselves locked out of their usual meeting hall at Versailles on June 20 and thinking that the king was forcing them to disband, they moved to a nearby indoor tennis court.There they took an oath never to separate until a written constitution had been established for France.This has a pretty strong impact on the french revolution as this is the time where the joining of their new Constitution began.
  • the storming of the bastille

    the storming of the bastille
    A state prison on the east side of Paris, known as the Bastille, was attacked by an angry and aggressive mob. The prison had become a symbol of the monarchy's dictatorial rule, and the event became one of the defining moments in the Revolution that followed.
  • Champ de mars massacre

    Champ de mars massacre
    The Champ de Mars Massacre took place in Paris in the midst of the French Revolution. The event is named after the site of the massacre, the Champ de MarsLater that day, leaders of the republicans in France rallied against this decision, eventually leading royalist Lafayette to order the massacre.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man is written and states that all men are equal under law. Women and children were not affected by this document.
  • march on Versailles or the women march

    march on Versailles or the women march
    An angry mob of nearly 7,000 working women – armed with pitchforks, pikes and muskets – marched in the rain from Paris to Versailles in what was to be a pivotal event in the intensifying French Revolution. To the beat of a drum, the women chanted “Bread! Bread!” this had a huge impact on the french revolution
  • Dr. Guillotin proposes scientific device for execution

    Dr. Guillotin proposes scientific device for execution
    The guillotine, the notorious killing machine of the French Revolution, was used to behead thousands, including King Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette.
  • Royal Family attempts to flee

    Royal Family attempts to flee
    King Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee from France but are caught at Verannes. They are sent back to Paris where the King is forced to go on trial.
  • War between France and Austria

    War between France and Austria
    Revolutionaries wanted war because they thought war would unify the country, and had a genuine desire to spread the ideas of the Revolution to all of Europe. the Legislative Assembly (France's governing body, formed in 1791) declared war on Austria.
  • The First invasion of the Tuileries

    The First invasion of the Tuileries
    This is one of the Revolutionary turning points. On this day a little more than three years after the attack on the Bastille, the people of Paris laid siege on the Tuileries. The Tuileries was the official home of King Louis XVI and the Legislative Assembly.
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King
    This was the day that King Louis XVI was executed by the guillotine. The revolutionaries made Marie Antoinette watch as the King lost his head.This had a very huge effect on Europe
  • Execution of the Queen

    Execution of the Queen
    This was the day that Marie Antoinette was executed by the guillotine. She was the first execution after the Reign of Terror started.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    he Reign of Terror was a period of about 6 months. The Reign of Terror was when most of the executions were done. It started after King Louis died and the first execution was Marie Antoinette. She was separated from King Louis and was just with her children. Her son Louis XVII suspiciously disappeared and they never saw him again.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Maximilian was against the death penalty but he played the biggest role in the execution of King Louis XVI. Robespierre was a big figure in the French Revolution but he was like a dictator and a tyrant. The French people didn’t like him so the ordered his arrest. He was arrested alongside his brother, St-Just, François Hanriot, and Le Bas. They were trialed and sent to the guillotine the very next day.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is published allowing the French government control of the Church. Due to badly needed money, the government starts to sell church land.