French Revolution

By jojoc
  • France gets put into 3 estates

    France gets put into 3 estates
    France gets put into 3 estates first estate,second estate and third estate. The rich and clergy were in the first two esate and the third estate is the poor.
  • Louis XlV leaves france in debt

    Louis XlV leaves france in debt
    Louis XIV dies leaving France in debt because he built versailles and put them in debt because it was a very big palace and was meant to show off his wealth and power. He also would keep the nobles there because he had to watch over all of the nobles to make sure they weren’t planning to rebel against him.Louis XIV also would keep adding on to versailles to make it bigger and bigger.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    The Estates General was a assembly of representatives.The economic problems france was facing were heavy tax made it impossible to have a business,Had a very weak leader and They wanted to be treated equally.King louis called for a meeting of the Estates General to vote on the problems the lower class want to fix but got out voted by high class.
  • Formation of National Assembly and Tennis court oath

    Formation of National Assembly and Tennis court oath
    The formation of National Assembly and Tennis court oath was form because the third estate want to have some power and rights.The Tennis Court Oath was the third estate writing a new constitution for everyone to have the same rights and freedoms and so the king couldn't do whatever he wanted.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The storming of the Bastille was when the third estate went into a prison to arm them self with weapons to fight against the first and second estate.This was important because now they had weapons to protect themselves against the king's army and fight back if they need to and they could now fight a war against the king with these weapons for freedom.
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    Great fear was a that the peasants were going to be attacked by the nobles so the peasants got weapons and attacked the nobles first instead of waiting for nobles to attack first.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    Declaration of Rights of Man
    Declaration of Rights of Man was an idea that all men were born with freedom and equality rights.Its main points were that everyone has the same right as everyone else and doesn't matter if you have a lot of money or not.You should be treated equale as the person standing next to you.
  • The women's riot and march on Versailles

    The women's riot and march on Versailles
    The women's riot and march on Versailles This happened because they want to have the same right as men and for the king and queen to leave Versailles and go to paris to fix the country.
  • The royal family tries to escape

     The royal family tries to escape
    The royal family tries to escape when they tried to escape they were caught near the border of austria they were trying to go there because they would be safe from the revolution.When they were brought back to france King Louis and Marie Antoinette were beheaded.
  • Robespierre becomes leader of the committee of public safety and reign of terror

    Robespierre becomes leader of the committee of public safety and reign of terror
    Robespierre becomes leader of the committee of public safety and reign of terror .Robespierre was a leader of the jacobin.The public safety was to protect the revolution from enemies.The reign of terror was when Robespierre ruled when he ruled he executed 40,000 people and 85% were peasants and rest were middle class.
  • Robespierre is overthrown

    Robespierre is overthrown
    Robespierre get beheaded because they don't like they way he is ruling so they overthrow him and kill him.Then a new government is from and it's called directory.