Start of french revolution

French Revolution

  • Creation of the National Assembly

    Creation of the National Assembly
    The Assembly went to a tennis court and created an oath saying they would not leave until the votes were fair. The King relented this and let each representative have a vote.
  • Bastille Day

    Bastille Day
    This was the start of the revolution. The people marched to and captured Bastille which was a symbol of King Louis XVI's poser. By capturing Bastille, it symboled his power was no longer absolute.
  • Declaration of the Rights of man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of man and of the Citizen
    This document defined the individual and collective rights of all man are universal (equal).
  • Parliaments abolished

    Parliaments abolished
    The National Assembly agreed in abolishing the parliamentss
  • First written constitution

    First written constitution
    The first written constitution was written establishing constitutional monarchy.
  • Aboltion of Royalty and Proclamation of first French Republic

    Aboltion of Royalty and Proclamation of first French Republic
    The National convention decided upon abolishing monarchy and trying out a republic.
  • King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette executed

    King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette executed
    They were gulliotined to make sure they wouldn't try to take back power.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    This was the beginning of the 2 years of killing "supposed" enemies of the French Revolution by using the gulliotine
  • 1st bicameral constitution

    1st bicameral constitution
    The first bicameral constitution was written. The bicameral constitution made 2 legislative branches.
  • Napoleon staged coup d'teat

    Napoleon staged coup d'teat
    Napoleon Bonaparte took over the government and declared himself the first consul.