French Revolution

  • National Assembly

    the national assembly is the one that marked the outbreak of the revolution
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Angry revolutionaries storm the Bastille.
  • Paris to Versailles

    Women marched from Paris to Versailles in what was to be a pivotal event.
  • Flight to Varennes

    Occurs when the royal family attempt to flee France.
  • Legislative Assembly

    The Legislative Assembly is formed
  • National Convention

    The National Convention is established
  • The guillotine

    The guillotine becomes the oficial method of execution
  • The September Massacres

    Thousands of political prisoners are killed
  • Civil war

    Civil war breaks out in the Vandee area of France between revolutionaries and royalists.
  • King Louis XVI is execuu

    The King Louis XVI is executed by guillotine
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror comes to an end as Robespierre is overthrow
  • La Marseillaise

  • The Directory

    The Directory is formed and takes control of the government of France
  • Napoleón

    Napoleón overthrows the Directory.