French Revolution

  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    A philosophical and cultural movement in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries that believed that the development of knowledge by reason could solve the fundamental problems of human existence.
    People learn new ideas from the enlightenment and know that they can make themselves better off.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    Due to the financial crisis, the king had to hold a three-level meeting, but it did not treat the third class, that is, civilians fairly.It is clear that the aristocracy and clergy make up a small part of the population, but they have more power.The number of people at the meeting was only equal.
    This led to more revolutionary ideas.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The people were treated unjustly in the three-level conference, so the conference was established.They want to change the situation and become like the United States.
    The establishment of the national assembly was a prelude to the revolution.
  • Serment du Jeu de paume

    Serment du Jeu de paume
    The king of France, Louis xvi, opposed changing the three-level conference to the national assembly and refused to allow third-level representatives to enter the three-level conference, so he decided to hold the meeting in the indoor tennis hall.There, third-level delegates vowed to continue meetings and never dissolve without a French constitution.
    It was a revolutionary move to show that political power belonged to the people and their representatives, not to the monarch.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Revolutionaries are in danger of repression and need to arm themselves.Then stormed the Storming of the Bastille, forces are obtained.Start fighting back.
    This symbolizes the beginning of the revolution. The revolutionaries have the ability, thought and armed forces to make revolution.
  • The constitutional process

    The constitutional process
    The decision of the national constituent assembly to create a constitution by abolishing feudalism is the declaration of human rights and civil rights.So that people will not be coerced.This is a necessary process of revolution.
    This is an important course of revolution.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    The parade consisted of a group of women.Why are they marching?Because they are fed up with the shortage of bread and the rise of things.This is a sign of public dissatisfaction with the government.
  • Royal flight to Varennes

    Royal flight to Varennes
    The king felt the danger from the revolution and decided to run away.Their servants dressed in noble clothes took them away.He was found, he was caught.The revolution has had an irreversible effect on the power of the king.
  • Constitutional monarchy

    Constitutional monarchy
    Under pressure from the national guard, the king was forced to give in and acknowledge the legitimacy of the constituent assembly.
    This was a successful step in the French revolution.
  • Abolition of the monarchy

    Abolition of the monarchy
    Immediately on 21 September the Convention abolished the monarchy, making France the French First Republic.
    This was a successful step for the revolution, the monarchy was finally changed.