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French Revolution

  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • Announcement of Estates- General

    Announcement of Estates- General
    Louis XIV was called by the Estates-General after an uproar in France. Due to unfair taxation to cover debt and not enough food was the cause of the uproar from the third estate. This was a statement made in hopes that they would be heard and the problem would be solved. This is important because this was the start of the revolution.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    The three estates met to resolve the problems circulating France. These problems included the debt and the commotion from the people. However, an unfair vote took place causing more upset. The Estates General was the spark of the revolution which is why this is important.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    After the king placed his troops in Paris, weapons for the people were needed. To gain these weapons, Bastille was attacked which raised confidence. This is important because this raised hope against the oppression.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    Declaration of Rights of Man
    This was a document written to the Kind. The document declared personal freedoms and was influenced by the lack of rights of the people. This ultimately led to the constitution being written. This is important because without this declaration, the new rights that the people wanted would not have been declared.
  • Constitution was Completed.

    Constitution was Completed.
    The constitution that was started in Versailles was completed. For the preamble, the Declaration of the Rights of Man was used. On the downfall, it still favored the upper classes of society. This is important because it reflected all of the ideas for the revolution.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    Louis spent months in jail which led to his execution by the guillotine. After the execution and unfair ruling in honor of Louis took place. This broke the Declaration of Man which finished all ideas of having a single ruler in France. This is important because without this occurrence than there might have been more singular rulers.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Robespierre was the main influencer of the reign of terror. Due to opposition in the government this was seen as a way to obtain compliance. During this reign any opposition resulted in death. This is important because the government controlled the people by fear.
  • Robespierre Leads Committee of Public Safety

    Robespierre Leads Committee of Public Safety
    Robespierre was elected as the head of Committee of Public Safety. However, no issues were resolved and things were made much worse. During his election tens of thousands of deaths occured. This influenced the Reign of Power which is why it was important.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Robespierre seemed more like a dictator than a leader which led to both sides conjoined to agree that they did not support him. He was executing ending the reign of terror. This led to agreements on both sides conjoining the country.
  • Napoleon Seizes Power

    Napoleon Seizes Power
    Napoleon was considered a hero of war. This led to him gaining support of the people and took over power. However, he was an absolute ruler. This is important because the revolution ended, but only more problems would come from this.