French Revolution

  • Jacques Necker

    Jacques Necker
    Jacques Necker was the finance minister to Louis XVI as well as a French statesman. He tried to fix French institutions and to find a compromise with the Estates General after the Revolution began.
  • Jean-Paul Marot

    Jean-Paul Marot
    Marot was a French physician, scientist, and theorist. He was a big defender of the sans-culottes. He published his views and opinions in pamphlets as well as newspapers.
  • Emmanuel-Josephy Sieyes

    Emmanuel-Josephy Sieyes
    Sieyes was a French writer at the time of the Revolution. He was the one to come up with the concept of popular sovereignty. He also helped with the National Assembly's struggle against the monarchy.
  • Olympe de Gouges

    Olympe de Gouges
    Olympe de Gouges was a French playwright and political activist for women's rights. Her writings mainly consist of advocating for women's rights.
  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI
    Louie XVI was King of France at the time of the Revolution alongside his wife Marie Antoinette. He died from execution by guillotine one day after being convicted for conspiracy with foreign powers. In the last four months of his life, the citizens of France referred to him as Citizen Louis Capet. His last words were, "I die innocent of all the crimes laid to my charge; I Pardon those who have occasioned my death."
  • Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette
    Marie Antoinette was Queen of France during the French Revolution and was one of the casualties in this time. She is quoted as saying the famous line always associated with her, "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!" or "Let them eat cake!".
  • George Danton

    George Danton
    George Danton was a French advocate during the period of the French Revolution. He was one of the leading figures during this time as well. He was executed by guillotine.
  • Maximilien Robespierre

    Maximilien Robespierre
    Robespierre was a French lawyer during the time of the Revolution. He is best known for his being one of the most influential people at the time of the Revolution.
  • Charlotte Corday

    Charlotte Corday
    Charlotte Corday was a French radical during the French Revolution. She was sent to the guillotine after the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat, blaming him for the extreme route the Revolution took.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon was a military leader. He led a lot of successful campaigns during the Revolution.
  • Marquis de Lafayette

    Marquis de Lafayette
    Marquis de Lafayette was a soldier during both the American Revolution as well as the French Revolution. He was one to come up with the idea of the red, white, and blue striped flag we see today for the country of France.
  • Jacobins

    A democratic party during the time of the Revolution. They were the ones to start the Reign of Terror in 1793.
  • The Calling of the Estates-General

    The Calling of the Estates-General
    This group was brought together during the French Revolution by King Louis XVI himself. They were brought together for coming up with ideas on how to fix the financial troubles around France.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    An attack broke out on the grounds of an east French prison known as the Bastille. It was attacked due to the people trying to receive weapons for their cause. The prison was considered a symbol of the dictatorial rule of the monarchy.
  • Sans-culottes

    The sans-culottes (or "without pants") was a low-class Parisian republican group during the time of the Revolution. They didn't wear the usual attire for French people at this time.