Destiny Farmer Mr.Hatcher 2nd Period

  • Louis XVI Becomes King

    Louis XVI Becomes King
    After the death of his Grandfather once known as "young Louis' becomes King Louis XVI.
  • France Joining the American Revolutionary

    France Joining the American Revolutionary
    The easily influenced King Louis XVI was talked into declaring war on England an joining the side of the rebels in the American Revolutionary War. This cause a great divide between King Louis and his people because France was already in debt but by joining the war caused major bankrupt to their economy.
  • The Assembly of Notables

    The Assembly of Notables
    Due to being in huge debt King Louis XVI called this meeting. The Assembly of Notables was made up of the leaders of the 2nd Estate. The Assembly of Notables declined the Kings request of allowing the nobles to pay at taxes. this caused the King to resort in drastic measures.
  • Estates Gerernal

    Estates Gerernal
    Louis was forced to call this meeting in order to pay off France's debt. This took place at The of Versailles. This meeting had leaders from each of the Three Estates. There 300 representatives for each Estate and therefore had 1/3 of the total vote. Because of this the 1st and 2nd Estates had always outvoted the 3rd Estate. The 3rd Estate demanded that the number of votes be based on the national population. Louis simply just locked them the 3rd Estate out of the meeting.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    Furious with King Louis actions the 3rd Estate met and created the National Assembly which is an organization that the 3rd Estate wished to b the new French Government. The 3rd Estate broke into a 'Tennis Court' that was nearby and swore that they would disband until a constitution had been created. This event was known a the Tennis Court Oath.
  • The Fall of Bastille

    The Fall of Bastille
    The 3rd Estate heard rumors that new soldiers were there to take out the National Assembly. Citizens stormed a Prison known as the Bastille in oder to protect themsevles. Citizens overpowered the King's Soldiers and captured the Bastille. Prisoners were freed and a large amount of weapons fell into the hands of the people.
  • The Declaration of Rights of Man

    The Declaration of Rights of Man
    The National Assembly signed The Declaration of Rights of Man. The Declaration stated that ALL men had the rights of liberty and equality.
  • King Louis Signs The Declaration of Rights of Man

    King Louis Signs The Declaration of Rights of Man
    When King Louis was told that he had to sign the document he knew his power was almost gone. Supported by Austria, the Royal Family decides to escape Paris and go to Austria. They disguise themselves and flee to the capital. Almost near Austria the King request to stop for a break and him and his family at recognized. They are put under arrest by a angry crowd. The Royal Family was paraded through the streets of Paris and put under constant guard. Louis XVI was force to sign the document.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    After ruling for two years the National Assembly was disbanded and a new constitution called the Legislative Assembly. There were three political partys each with their own objectives. The Jacobins who wereradical revolutionaries and were Bourgeoisie. there leader was Maximilien Robespierre. The second political parts id the Girondins who were very moderate and were mostly farmers. The final party were the Sans-Culottes who were working class and were extremely radical in their beliefs.
  • Going to War With Austria

    Going to War With Austria
    The Girondins and the Sans-Cutottles both wanted to declare war against Austria. They thought by doind this and defeating the neighboring Monarchies would lead to the spread of Democracy. Danton, Robespierre and their Jacobins were against going to war, they believed that France was not prepared for war. The Jacobins and their leader Robespierre were outvoted is the Assembly and war was declared on Austria and Prussia.
  • The Gullotine

    The Gullotine
    A 'painless' killing device that could used on all classes of people had been invented during the Enlightenment by a French doctor. The purpose of the device was to simply kill a person and not cause them suffering. This new device was known as The Gullotine.
  • Jean-Paul Marat

    Jean-Paul Marat
    Jean Paul Marat was a influential French writer, writing vicious articles condemning Louis XVI. He published his writings in the official revolutionary newspaper "The Friend of the People" .Rumors were often in the newspaper and not proven as fact and was against the monarchs.
  • National Covention

    National Covention
    The National Covention replaced The Leggislative Assembly after being in ruling for 10 months. A lot of bled was shed during the time The National Convention was in ruling.
  • King Louis is Executed

    King Louis is Executed
    The National Convention put Louis XVi on trail for treason. King Louis XVI was found guilty and sentenced to be executed by the Guillotine.
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Execution of Marie Antoinette
    Queen Marie Antoinette was put on trail and needed to be seen aa a criminal. She was accused of Treason and Incest. She was found guilty and sentenced to death by the Guillotine. Just like her husband King Louis XVI Queen Marie Antoinette was beheaded.
  • Passing of the Civil Code

    Passing of the Civil Code
    It took four years for Napoleon Bonaparte French Emperor enacts a new legal framework for France, called the “Napoleonic Code.” The civil code gave post-revolutionary France its first coherent set of laws concerning property, colonial affairs, the family, and individual rights.
  • The Coronation of Emperor Napoleon

    The Coronation of Emperor Napoleon
    This event started December 21 1805 and finalized in November 1807. Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned Napoleon I, the first Frenchman to be called emperor in a thousand years.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna ran for 1814-15 and reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic War's. This began September 1814 five months after Napoleon I's abdication. The 'Final Acts' was completed in June 1815.
  • Exile To Elba

    Exile To Elba
    French Emperor Napoleon was banished to the Mediterranean island of Elba
  • 100 Days

    100 Days
    This is the day Napoleon arrived in Paris after escaping from exile on Elba. On March 25 Austria Britian, Prussia and Russia creates a alliance against Napoleon and forced a series of military engagements leading up to the fatal Battle of Waterloo on June 18. On June 22 Napoleon was abdicated for a second time. On July 15 he boarded a British warship at Rochefortt and was a prisoner. Three months later he was landed at St. Helena. July 8, 1815 was the date of the return of Louis XVIII to Paris.