Period: to
French Revolution
Causes of french revolution
France was bankrupt due to Mary Antoinette big spending on parties and clothes and crazy hairstyles Source- Notes -
National assembly was created
On 10 June 1789 the national assembly was created and is now able to meet and gather information to create a good country and have a democracy. Source - wiki -
tennis court oath
the king took a historic oath not to split apart until a new French constitution had been made. source history.com -
attack on bastille
thousands of parisians attacked the bastille to get the gunpowder that was in the city. source wki -
Declaration of Rights of Man was created to declare the rights of the citizens of france. source- wiki -
Start of french revolution
King Louis XVI sent troops to paris to surround the city to prevent an uprising but the citizens thought they were going to attack so they took the bastille where al the gunpowder was stored in the city. source - notes source- notes -
Bread March
thousands of women from paris stormed the palace of versailles armed with brooms and lances they attacked the palace because they wanted food and the king to sign the DRM. Source- notes -
royal escaoe
the royal family decided to try and escape captivity under the cover of night to austria but got stopped in the border. source- history.com -
King Louis XVI was murdered on the guillotine
King Louis was sentenced to death and was publically beheaded from the guillotine. source- notes -
Prussia, spain, austra, portugal, britain, and the dutch republic declared war on france -
reign of terror
Maximillian robespierre reigned with terror over france by executing thousands of french citizens with the guillotine. source- wiki -
Marie antoinette was executed
On October 16, 1793 Marie Antoinette was executed by the gioulltine and was herself tried. -
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon rose through the military ranks and became a ruthless leader of france. sorce - wikipedia -
France is now a dictatorship
Bonaparte converted france to a dictatorship in 1799. source - wiki -
treaty of paris
the treaty was signed to end the war between france and other countries.
source - history.com -
Napoleons final battle
Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by the british royal navy and was imprisoned/ exiledto St. Helena in the south atlantic for the rest of his life. source - wiki