
French Revolution

  • Louis XVI Takes The Throne

    Louis XVI Takes The Throne
    Well intenioned but a weak leader who was often dominated by his wife named Marie Antoinette.
  • Louis XVI's Government Problems Begin

    Louis XVI's Government Problems Begin
    His government was about to go bankrupt at this time. This caused the National Assembly to form.
  • Storming On Bastille

    Storming On Bastille
    The Bastille was a much hated prison that symbolized autocratic rule.
  • National Assembly Adopts Declaration

    National Assembly Adopts Declaration
    National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens. It guarenteed the rights of "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppresion" for all.
  • The Great Fear Happens, Peasants Riot

    The Great Fear Happens, Peasants Riot
    Peasants were fearful that the nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize them. Which lead to them rioting by storming Versailles and then demanded for Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette come to Paris.
  • National Assembly Disbands

    National Assembly Disbands
    So the new Legislative Assembly takes over. Create's a constititutional Monarchy; Strips power from king and gives it to the Assembly to make French Law
  • Revolution Leaders Turn On Each Other

    Revolution Leaders Turn On Each Other
    Causes the forming of 3 factions; Radicals, Moderates, and Conservative.
  • Prussia and Austria Supports Louis XVI

    Prussia and Austria Supports Louis XVI
    Helps Louis XVI by sending troops to Paris.
  • Invasion of the Royal Palace

    Invasion of the Royal Palace
    20,000 Parisians invade the Royal Palace and imprision Louis XVI and Marie Antioinette.
  • France is Declared a Republic

    France is Declared a Republic
    National Assembly abolishes Monarchy and makes France a Republic. Gives all male adults the right to vote, but women don't have the same rights.
  • Period: to

    Louis XVI is Dethroned

    The radical Jacobins tries Louis XVI for treason. He is found guilty and is sentenced to death.
  • Louis XVI Beheaded

    Louis XVI Beheaded
    Louis XVI is executed by the guillotine.
  • France is in Battle

    France is in Battle
    Great Britain, Holland, Spain, Prussia, and Austria are fighting France; causes France to draft 300,000 citizens into their Army.
  • Period: to

    Maximilien Takes Over

    Revolutionary leader, Maximilien sets out to gain and gather stuff into his own hands. Becomes the leader of Committee of Public Safety; Also decides who should be an enemy of Republic. The Committee tried and killed people the same day.
  • Period: to

    Maximilien Takes Over (Reign of Terror)

    He is basically a dictator during this time and has at least 40,000 people executed. Now known as The Reign of Terror
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Execution of Marie Antoinette
    Revolutionary declares those that challenge Maximilien to a death sentence and execute Marie Antoinette.
  • Maximilen is Claimed as a Tyrant

    Maximilen is Claimed as a Tyrant
    Maximilien was claimed a Tyrant and is executed.
  • France Changes

    France Changes
    Moderate leaders in the National Convention draft a New Constitution. Creates 2 Legislative and an executive body of 5 men known as the Directory. Elect Napolean Bonaparte to lead the French Army.