
French Revolution

  • Great Britain and + join Prussia

    Great Britain, Holland and Spain join Prussia and Austria and fighing France.
  • Louis XVI takes the throne

    Louis XVI takes the throne at age 19, Well intentioned but weak leader who was often dominated by his wife, Marie Anteinette.
  • People of Paris storm Bastille

    People of Paris storm Bastille
    People of Paris storm the Bastill, a much hated prison that symbelizing autocratic rule. The Revoulution had began,
  • The NA adotpted the DORAC

    The NA adotpted the Dec. Of Rights And Citizens. and guaranteed the rights of Liberty, Property, Security, and ressistance to oppression to all people.
  • Peasants feared nobles

    Peasants were fearful that the nobles were hireing out laws tp hurt them. Peasants rioted. Stormed Versailles and demanded that Louis and Marie Antoinette come to Paris.
  • Louis government goes broke

    Louis XVIs government goes bankrupt.. poor harvest. the Nationnal Assembly formed.
  • NA disbanded

    Nation Assembly disbanded so the new legislative Assembly can take over. creats a constitutional mpnarcy. strips power from king, and gave the Assembly the power to create french laws.
  • The R leaders turn on eachother

    The R start to turn on each other an 3 factions in the legislative Assembly form. Radicals, Moderats, and Conservatives.
  • 2 people sent troops to paris

    Austria and Prusia , who support the king sent troops to Paris
  • R invade royal Palace

    Raisians invade royal palace, king and thier childern imprisoned.
  • The NC abolishes the monarcy

    The National Assembly abolishes the monarrcy and dec;ares France a replic.All adlut males have the right to vote and hold offic but not women
  • Louis is no longer king

    Louis is no longer king, the radical Jacobins tried Louis for treason and found him guilty. he is sentaced for death
  • King is killed

    King is exeaced by the guilotine
  • Robesprerre goes to get power

    Robesprerre goes to get power.
  • Period: to

    3,000 people were exicuted

    3,000 people were exicuted. every one was afaird. 40,000 were killed all together.
  • Robesrerre becommes the leader

    Robesrerre becommes the leader of the committee of public saftey. He decieds who should be concidered an enemy. They had people tried and killed in the same day.
  • Marie Antoinette executed

    Marie Antoinette executed
  • They realisesd Robesierre was unfair

    They realisesd Robesierre was bad and killed him.
  • Moderate leaders make constations

    Moderate leaders make constations, Make 2 house by men. 5 in each house. Nopleon Bonaparte choose to lead army.