French Revolution

By Nprins
  • War Debt

    War Debt
    The American Revolution was the Americans and Britan for land and power, but French didn't want Britian to win because they would have to much power and land. So they couldn't be stopped. So French took matter into there own hands and helped Americans win the war. By supplying them with war money to help with supplies. French used a lot of there money so they were in critical debt and the French needed money. It Contributed to the Revolution, so French could gain money.
  • Famine

    Famine was caused because the King was trying to gain money from taxes because of debt. The taxes made it close to impossible to have a profitable business in France. So people were not allowed to plot food nor buy food. Witch causes starvation throughout the country. Bread prices doubled and people could not get bread. This caused the revolution because they needed money for food, more land, better places to harvest.
  • Estates-General

    The Estates-General was a Metting containing the First, Second and Third Estate. Their purpose was to impose taxes on the nobility. But, the Metting changed to talk about everyone getting a vote. The third estate changed their name to the National Assembly. They got kicked out of the Metting and was a huge cause of the Revolution because they wanted equal rights.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was caused because the Third Estate Delegates were locked out of the meeting room. Witch led to them breaking into an indoor tennis court. That's when they made the Tennis Cour Oath. The Tennis Court Oath was pledging to stay until the Third Estate delegates drew up a new constitution. This lead to the French Revolution because it made them rebell and over throw the king
  • Great Fear

    The Great Fear was because a wave of Senseless panic through France. It was because a rebellion spread from Paris to France. Then things got worse. Peasants were outlaws, and armed them selves with Pitch forks and Farm tools. This helped caused the Revolution, because they broke into Nobels Manors house and destroyed their old legal papers that bounded them to pay taxes. That eventually caused the king to leave Versailles.