french revolution

  • Estates general called

    Estates general called
    this was a meaning of where the king called all of the estates in order to help frane to get out of det. but because the 1st and 2st estates would always agree there was a deadlock where nothing could be done because they wanted it to stay the same and not to help where the 3 estate wanted to change thing in order to make there lives better.
  • National assembly formed

    National assembly formed
    this was formed because the 3 estate had march out of the estates general meeting and the king and locked them out cause them to form the national assembly. which has consisted of the people of the 3 estate as well as some of the people form the first and second.
  • Tennis court oath

    Tennis court oath
    this is the oath that the national assembly swore making them there own estate in order to be able to go out and start there revolution and get fairness of all of france and there people.
  • The storming of the Bastille

    The storming of the Bastille
    this is where the people in the national assembly went out and raided the bastille in order to get guns and to release the prisoners that were left in the jail. unfortunately there were only 7 prisoners in there at that time.
  • consitiutionl monarchey

    consitiutionl monarchey
    this is when the french people overthown there monarchey and cause the people to have more power in there socity
  • the rebublic of france

    the rebublic of france
    this hapened when a mob went and overthows the consitutiail monarchy with this it states that the people of france have all of the power insted of it just being the king that get all of the power amugst there socity.
  • the beging of the reing of terror

    the beging of the reing of terror
    this is the event that happend after the behding of the king and queen during thease events people were taking to the geitean whent thay spoke somthing agest the french repulic. but the majority of the time is was somthing small and enconstrate but thay wanted to mke shure that this form of goverment would be matained
  • the beheading of the king and queen

    the beheading of the king and queen
    this is want the people of france went to where the king and queen rezied and forced them out and to the center of town where everone coud see the event hapen thay also did this with there kids
  • the end of the reign of terror

    the end of the reign of terror
    this is the ending of the reign of terror and it was people not being as stuck up about there being people that did not like the way that things are being done. this is also when the french people were in full controle of there govments and coud run there contry.