Revolucion francesa

French Revolution

By rom.di
  • Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette assume the throne of France.

    Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette assume the throne of France.
  • Crisis

    Agricultural, commercial, financial and social crisis. Caused by royal expenses and aid to the United States, among others. And bourgeois claim of rights. Louis XVI summoned the States General.
  • The States General gather at the Palace of Versailles.

    The States General gather at the Palace of Versailles.
  • Ball Game Oath

    Ball Game Oath
    The national assembly vowed not to secede until it gave France a constitution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
  • Separation of members of the third estate

    Separation of members of the third estate
    The nobility and the clergy reject the proposal to vote by state and the petition for the vote by head.
  • Proclamation of the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen".

    Proclamation of the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen".
  • The law of the "Civil Constitution of the Clergy" is promulgated.

  • Royal family fleeing

    Royal family fleeing
    The royal family tries to flee the country to obtain support from Austria but is discovered and captured.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    Promulgated by the National Constituent Assembly and accepted by Louis XVI. It contained the reform of the French State, leaving France as a constitutional monarchy.
  • WAR

    Austria and Prussia declare war on France.
  • Assault on the Tuileries Palace

    Assault on the Tuileries Palace
  • First French Republic

  • Roberspierre staged a coup d'état

    Roberspierre staged a coup d'état
  • Louis XVI executed

    Louis XVI executed

    Brutal repression in the form of state terrorism, with M. Robespierre as the main protagonist. During the Terreur, between thirty-five and forty thousand civilians were executed, most of them by guillotine.
  • Marie-Antoinette executed

    Marie-Antoinette executed
  • Robespierre and his followers guillotined.

    End of the Terror period.
  • The Directory

    The upper house appointed five directors to the executive committee
  • Napoleon takes power

    Napoleon takes power
    Coup d'état by Napoleon Bonaparte. The Directory falls and the Consulate is established.