Period: to
French Revolution
National Assembly decrees Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
this is when the Natinal Assembly starts meeting and officaly talking avout the Theclaration of the rights or man. -
Woman raid the kkings palace
The woman of france were ao angr about the food prices they all went on a riot and invated th kings palace. ver night the group gained over a dozen people. They were looking for Marie to hopfully kill her. -
french revolution started
National Assembly legislates for departments, etc.
This is when the people started thingking and doing omthing to pass the declaration of man. -
Theking flees
The king attemts to flee from what is going on, but he is caught a few miles before he gets out of paris and is returned and charged with unrulyness. -
King formally accepts Constitution.
the kinda accepts the constition and aggrees with the rights. -
France declares war on Austria.
France declares war on Austria, but French army flees at sight of the enemy. -
Louis XVI executed.
The king said his good byes to his family, and tried to give a speech before he was killed, but the men cut im off, and ended his life. -
Food riots
food riots start in Paris, and they start to get out of controll. beating the beople who would buy bread, and the bakers who made the bread. -
Riots start
popular riots are started in Frence, they last for days. -
the rain of terror begings
The rain of terror has started and many people are dying. Dying from starvation and from murder of others. Or just being exicuted for diagreeing with the king. -
Marie-Antoinette tried and executed.
Marie tried to stick up for herself for being accued of innaropretly touching her son, she had a speech that reakky touched other mothers. But even though her story was found accepting, she was found guilty and was executed. -
The rain of terror ends
The killing of so many in days is over, not completly but most of it. The starvation situation is calming down a bit too. -
Napoleon assumes command of French army in Italy
He take controll of the army and walks to paris to fight in war. -
French revolution ended
THis is when allt he estates are broken and the peolpe have the tast of freedom. -
Napoleon consecrated as Emperor
people say that when Napoleon started to rule the Frecj Revolution was fially over.