Causes of the Revolution
There were many causes and events that lead up to the French Revolution. Following the American Revolutionairy War, France was severly in debt and used unpopular methods of taxation to get money. Years of bad harvests leading up to 1789 worsened the situation for the peasents, who were resentful towards the aristocrats. -
Storming of the Bastille
Les révolutionnaires ont attaque la Bastille. C'etait le premier événement au révolution. -
Declare War on Austria & Prussia
France declared war for two reasons. One being that they thought their new government looked weak to other countries and easily defeatable. The second being that the Revolutionaries thought the war would spread the idea of revolution to all of Europe. -
Creation of the Republic
Une république a été faire en septembre 1792, après la victorie des Français. Il a été la premier victoire pour la France contre la Prussie. -
Execution of King Louis XVI
This was a very important event in the Revolution, and infact lead to international condemnation. The king was executed via guillotine. This was technically the first execution in the "Reign of Terror". His wife Marie Antoinette was guillotined on 16 October, the same year. -
The Reign of Terror
The "Reign of Terror" lasted from September 1793 – July 1794, and was a period of great turmoil and violence. During this time, over 16,000 people were executed by guillotine, with another 25,000 by other means. This violence was incited by conflict between rival political factions, the Girondins and the Jacobins. -
Rise of Napoleon
Napoleon a gagné le respet des français pour être intelligent. Il a renversè le gouvernement. Á 1800, il est devenu le chef des Français. -
The Fall of Napoleon
Trois raison les français a renversé Napoleon...
1. Il a ordonné le système continental, qui a empêché le commerce.
2. Il a déclare la guerre péninsule.
3. Il a envahi la Russie.