French Revolution

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    French and Indian War

    During these time the French had the area of Canada and the British had the thirteen colonies. The French wanted to explore and have land from the south. While in the other had the British wanted to go west and they both ended getting into contact in the Ohio River. This river was an important trading area that was also had entry to the Mississippi River. The French had the support of the indians to fight to gain this land.
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    Louis XVI

    Louis was the king of France he was expected to be a great king since his family was full of great leaders. Louis did not look out for the good of the people, there were 3 estates where majority of the people were poor while a very small portion of the people were using their money on unnecessary items. The third estate (the poor) had enough of that and started acting to make a complete new start with their government. Later the guillotine was used on him for not looking out for the people.
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    Marie Antoinette

    She was born in Vienna Austria where she was later sent to France to become the next queen of France at the age of 14. Later one she married king Louis XVI at age 19 even though they were nothing alike. It was a couple of a beautiful lady while the he was quite and basically a nerd. She also would use the peoples bread money to buy these huge pretty dresses and lived a life of luxury. Just like her husband she was beheaded for not looking out for the good of the people of France.
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    Maximilien Robespierre

    He made public the "rule of Terror" which was a time period when the guillotine was used on the people who would go against the revolutionary government. Robespierre wanted the French Revolution to succeed, this is why he was afraid other countries would go against them so that the French monarchy would continue. The people got tired of the rule of Terror and went against him and those who defended him, they were executed by the guillotine.
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    Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon (1769-1821)
    He was a military leader and emperor who took control of most of Europe then came back to France to help over through the government. He gained power over France after he had a high rank of military from the French Revolution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Bastille was actually a prison but was later a place where they had there weapons I believe. On this day the people of France marched there way to the Bastille with muskets, swords, and other weapons to attack and actually killed some of the guards and but there heads on pikes. Launay surrendered, he was the commander of the bastille and was attacked by the people. This event was a sign of the begging of the French Revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The third estate thought it was unfair that they only had one vote when they were about 97% of the population of France. They were always out counted by the other 2 estates which were only 3% of the population. The third estate named themselves the National Assembly and they wanted to have a meeting so they all decided to go to the Tennis Court Oath, it was a big enough to have the meeting a fight for a new constitution.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens

    This was a document that says that everyone can have a vote and not one vote for each estate. It named that the people would have equality, natural rights, and social contract. It also gave limits to the king and gave the people rights to own property, freedom of speech, and the people were considered innocent until there was prove that made them guilty. Another change made was that instead of only one percent of the people paying taxes now everyone had to pay.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women as well as a couple of men marched in the rain to get to Versailles to order the baker (they would call the king the "baker") to give them bread for their family. The bread was basically the only food the 3rd estate could afford and now they could not even have that. The people accused the queen of spending their bread money. In response the king told them he would talk to the women and would give them all bread. The people accused the queen of spending their bread money.
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    Reign of Terror

    The guillotine was the killing machine that was used durning this time period. After the guillotine was used to kill the king and queen it was then used on other citizens. Many people were beheaded for absurd reasons, around 30,000 of the people of France were killed. These was a way to fight back at those who would disagree with the revolution, after it was used so many time people were afraid to speak out. After millions were killed the people saw it as a common thing that would happen.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar was to be make sure that Napoleon would not enter into Britain. This was the last victory of Nelson who was shot on the chest and on the shoulder. He had died and his funeral in St. Paul's Cathedral in London.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Was a battle against Austria and France which is one of Napoleons biggest victory. It was a battle against around 68,000 of the people of Napoleon and around 90,000 Russians and Austrians. This was located around the area of Austerlitz Moravia.
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    Invasion of Russia

    Napoleon wanted the Russians to stop trading with the British and the way to stop this was by war. He had the biggest army in his control but that amount of soldiers started to lower. Most deadliest war around millions of soldiers died during the war. At the end of the war 20,000 survived out of 422,000 soldiers they had started with.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte's exile to Elba

    Napoleon was an important emperor and was in a great rank in the military of France. He helped fight during the French Revolution, he had gained a lot of power over Europe. What caused him to que exiled from Elba was that he had decided to attack Russia when the Russians had planned on uniting with Europe. Napoleon had ended up being attacked by his own army and he had lost all of his power. He decided to resign his spot and give it to his son but that was rejected and ended up getting sent way.
  • Waterloo

    Napoleon Bonaparte was also part of the Battle of Waterloo, this battle was in Belgium. After Napoleon was exiled from Elba he returned to France and grained a little bit of his power back. The people of Napoleon's lost to the British and Prussians in the Battle of Waterloo. This is what caused Napoleon to completely lose his power and France was not controlled nor influenced by anyone. After the battle he resigned and later on died.