French Revolution

  • Estates-general called to meeting.

    Estates-general called to meeting.
    They called Louis XVI to discuss and agree the​ new tax plan. With the clergy, the nobleman, and the rest of France together. It was the first time in a long time.
  • The Third Estate forms the National Assembly

    The Third Estate forms the National Assembly
    Three Poitevin cures decide to join the Third Estate. A few liberal nobles and many clergies join the Third Estate.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    After being locked out of their meeting room, members of the Third Estate take the Tennis Court Oath trying hard to certain rights from the king.
  • The National Assembly appoints a committee of thirty members to draft a constitution.

    The National Assembly said itself the Constituent National Assembly, with full power to decree laws. They want to draw up and adopt a constitution. Until 7 13, 1789
  • The storming and fall of the Bastille.

    The storming and fall of the Bastille.
    Can serve to make a statement against the monarchy by storming the Bastille. Also, ​they can get weapons and gunpowder.
  • The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

    The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
    It's written and state about all men are equal under the ​law. Women and children were not affected by this document.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    The women of Paris march from Paris to Versailles no food and lower bread price. They force the king and queen to move back to Paris.
  • The Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is passed. It allows the French government to control the church. The government starts to sell church land ​because they don't have money.
  • Royal Family attempts to escape

    Royal Family attempts to escape
    The "Flight to Varennes" happened when the royal family, including King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette, attempt to flee France.They returned to France after captured.
  • Louis XVI is sentenced to the guillotine.

    Louis XVI is sentenced to the guillotine.
    After being put on trial the king is sentenced to death
  • The reign of terror begins as Robespierre

    The reign of terror begins as Robespierre
    The leader of the Committee of Public Safety said that terror will be the "order of the day" for the revolutionary government. Thousand of people died by the fight between two political parties the Jacobins, and the Girondins.
    It ends as Robespierre is overthrown. It ends on July 27, ​1794.
  • The Law of Suspects is decreed.

    Anyone suspected of opposite the revolutionary government is put into jail. Thousands of people are going to die over the next year.
  • Robespierre is dead by guillotine

    Robespierre is dead by guillotine
    Maximilien Robespierre, the leader of the Jacobins, is died and the power of the Jacobins fall with him. The Girondins gain more power.
  • A new Constitution is adopted

    "La Marseillaise" is adopted as the national anthem(singer) of France.
    Soon, the Directory is formed and takes control of the government of France.
  • French defeat Austrians in northern Italy and make peace.

    French defeat Austrians in northern Italy and make peace.
    The treaty protects most of the French conquests and marked the end of Napoleon’s victory over the First Coalition.
  • French capture Switzerland, Rome and Naples

    Suffer bad defeat in Egypt.
  • The end of French Revolution

    The end of French Revolution
    Napoleon overthrows the Directory and establishes the French Consulate with Napoleon as leader of France.