French Revolution

By Bega_
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Estates General and National Assembly

    Estates General and National Assembly
  • Period: to

    National Constituent Assembly

  • 1st French Constitution

    1st French Constitution
  • Period: to

    Legislative Assembly

  • War against Austria and Prussia

    War against Austria and Prussia
  • Period: to

    Girondin Convention

  • Sans-culottes assaulted the Tuileries Palace

    Sans-culottes assaulted the Tuileries Palace
  • Republic was proclaimed

    Republic was proclaimed
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
  • Montagnard Convention

    Montagnard Convention
  • Robespierre and his supporters were executed and guillotined

    Robespierre and his supporters were executed and guillotined
  • Napoleonic Era

    Napoleonic Era