Luis XIV moves to Versilles
During his reighn Louis XIV brought in the golden age of France. Because of him France was very prosperous. One day he decided to move to Versilles. (History.com) -
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Burbon and Hasburge marrage.
Knowing his time was short Louis XV had Louis XVI marry. He was arranged to marry Marie Antoinette of Austria. This created a allience between France and Austria. -
Necker is Hired
Lois XVI is in horrible debt. Since Louis was in debt he wanted someone to handle the money. King Louis XVI hired Necker. (History.com) -
Robespierre begins his movement
After learning of the legislative arts Robespierre went to Paris. Robespierre was elected as the thired estate representative. -
Estates General
The Estates general has been called into session. The meeting was called over the rising debt France owned after fighting the Seven Years Was. To go alog with that it rised ever higher when fighting the American Revolution. (History.com) -
No Normality
The Estates General meets ove the rising debt over the past couple of years. Over those years the Third Estate is over taxed. The First and Second Estates kick them out of the meeting. (History.com) -
For the People, By the People, of the People
After being rejected by the king at the meeting, the Third Estate goes balistic. Members of the Third Estate break into the tennis court. Those there take an oath to make France great again. (History.com) -
The Corrupt Incorruptable
After the Third Estate is kicked out of the Estates General meeting they take an oath. This oath is called the "Tennis Court Oath." At the head of this is Maxillion Robespierre -
Down with the Nobles
After centuries of tourment by the First and Second Estates, the Third has had enough. After taking the "Tennis Court Oath" the Third Estate calls for change. The "change" they are speaking of is the depowerment of the First and Second Estates in the form of a constitution. (History.com) -
Off with his Head
King Louis XVI was looking for a more humane way of execution. After many desighns Dr.Joseph Guillotin made the iconic desighn to then claim hundreds of heads.(History.com) -
The King Returnes
Lois XVI, after a life time of likeing in his grandfathers palace, is force to leave. He and his famil are force to leave due to an angery mob running through their home. All guardes were executed with heads on pikes. (kidspast.com) -
Run Louis Run!
After being "dethroned" by the Third Estate, now the National Assembly, Louis is imprisoned in Paris. He was forced to live in Paris by the people who took over. He tried to run to Austria. (History.com) -
Not Happening.
Louis XVI is forced to live in Paris after The National Assembly took power. Not wanting to lose power the king tried to flee France to Austria. Louis was captured. (History.com) -
Years after the National Assembly was formed the forward thinkers began to let slaves go. This was done by the third republic of France The National Convention. -
Death of Robspierre
Robspierre and followers were executed via guillotine. This was after Robspierre had shot his jaw. He was killed on the terms of that he massacured France. (History.com) -
Civil Code.
Proof that the Declaration of the Rights of Man didn't work was the years of death and terror in France. Seeing the problem Napoleon Bonaparte had the Civil Code drafted to replace The Declaration of the Rights of Man. (History.com) -
The Short Emperor
After staging a revolt against The Directory, Napoleon gained power in France. After years of termoil in France they had found a strong leader Napoleon.(History.com) -
Bye Napoleon
After some time in war with everyone in Euorope, Napoleon is sent into exile in Elba. This will not be the last time. -
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Congress of Vienna
After finaly defeating Napoleon in war the Great Powers didn't know what todo with Europe afterwards. Also the configurations of soon to be Germany. -
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100 Days
After years of Napoleon being victorious he kept losing and losing. The final military loss of Napoleon was in Waterloo Belgium. Following this was Napoleon being exiled for the final time to St.Helena.