The Crowning of Louis XVI
He was the last king of France in the line of the bourbon in 1774. He was married to Marie Antoinette. -
American Revolution Begins
The American Revolution began in 1775-83 between the Americans and Britain. Louis XVI chose to fund it so that France can show they're power and generosity. -
Calling of the Estates-General
Louis XVI had loss a lot of money by over spending and by funding the american revolution. The third estate was already angry and the 1st and 2nd estate were not gonna pay taxes. It all ended with the 3rd estate leaving. -
Formation of the National Assembly
The third estate were tired of the abuse and were hungry. One day they chose to go to a nearby tennis court and made whats called the National Assembly. -
Tennis Court Oath
A oath made at a tennis Court June 17, 1789. King Louis XVI did not give fair trial to the 3rd estate and decided to cut themselves off from them. -
Attack on the Bastille
A aggressive mob assaulted a prison that was the symbol of monarchy. At the time the prison had 7 prisoners but they came for the ammunition in the prison. -
French women Force Louis XVI to leave Versailles
The Women of France were outraged and decided that they will raid the armory and march to the palace of Versailles. They made their demands to Louis XVI. -
Declaration of war on austria
A war was declared on Austria by the governing body of France. European Monarchs were eyeballing France in suspicion seeing their king being overthrown they chose to unite against them. The revolutionaries thought that war would unite them. -
National Convention is formed
The National Convention is formed to create a new constitution since the monarchy was overthrown. The Convention was made of 749 deputies which included businessmen, tradesmen, and professional men. -
Louis XVI is Executed
On June 21, 1793 King Louis XVI was executed for treason by the revolutionaries. Which began the reign of terror which were a bloody time for a lot of the french. -
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Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror was a stressful time for a lot of the french died approximately 1,400 people died. It was all lead by Robespierre who killed most of those people because he was nervous and suspicious. -
Thermidorian Reaction
A parliamentary revolt on June 27, 1794 which resulted in the fall of Robespierre and the reign of terror. Robespierre made a full speech of appeals and threats which resulted in his arrest the next day. -
The directory is formed
The directory was made of 500 delegates who were age 30 or over and they also wanted to make council of ancients that was made up of 250 delegates. -
Napoleon Takes Power
After the collapse of the reign of terror France needed a ruler and Napoleon by doing a coup d'etat becomes the ruler of France and begins creating systems like the educational system, the banking system. -
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Napoleon Invades Russia
Napoleon decides he wants Russia after taking so many other territories because hes hungry for power. However, Napoleon's army quickly shrunk in the winter freeze. -
Napoleons defeat at Waterloo
Napoleon after being exiled to Elba and coming back he loses at the battle of Waterloo. He loses to two armies of the seventh coalition.