Agricultural Recession
Agricultural Recession forces landowners to increase their sources of revenue: the lower class works harder and is taxed more. -
Period: to
National Debt
France supports the Patriots in the American Revolution, leading to more national debt. -
National Debt & Tax
Charles Alexandre de Calonne, National Director of Finances, called an Assembly of Notable to have the upper class share in the national debt by paying tax. They refused in an effort to protect economic privileges. -
Harvest fails and winter is extreme causing food to become scarce and expensive. -
Tennis Court Oath
A few liberal nobles and clergy swear the Tennis Court Oath saying, "We won't separate until constitutional regime was established." On June 27, the King agrees to their demands. -
Period: to
National Authority
The National Assembly drafts a constitution and proclaims themselves with full authority and power to decree laws. -
Declaration of Rights of Man
The Declaration of Rights of Man was issued by the National Assembly. -
Woman of Pairs Invade Versailles
The women of Paris invade Versailles. They force the royal family back to Paris and Louis XVI is considered a "prisoner" in Paris. The Assembly declares its inseparability from the King. -
Constitution of the Clergy
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy was passed and in 1791 it was adopted. -
Louis XVI sentenced to guillotine
Men enlist in army
A National Draft was issued calling for all able-bodied men to enlist in the army. -
Period: to
20,000- 40,00 people sentenced to death
The Rein of Terror court sentenced 20,000 to 40,00 people to death. The Revolutionary Tribunal sent state prisoners, including Girondists, to the guillotine. French natives start a Civil War to regain the monarchy and revolt in the provinces. -
Churches close
Churches are closed. The Republican armies are now in command, and the Terror became identified with ruthless and centralized revolutionary gov. -
New Constitution
A new Constitution was adopted and it took affect after reactionary rising in Vendemiare was suppressed by General Napolean Bonaparte. -
End of French Revolution
The fall of the Directory heralds the end of the French Revolution.