Agriculture Recession
Lower class works harder and is taxed more. -
Period: to
American Revolution
France supports the Patriots in the American Revolution, leading to debt. Their motive was to weaken Great Britain. -
Upper Class Refusal of Shared Debt
The National Director of Finances tried to get the upper class to pay taxes. They refused. -
Harvest Fails
The harvest fails and winter is extreme. Food becomes scarce. -
Third Estate is Kicked
In the Tennis Court, an oath is taken that they will not separate until constitutional regime is established. The king meets the demands. -
Bastille Storming
The Bastille was stormed because of the French economy. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man
The Declaration was issued by the national assembly. -
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
The constitution of 1791 was adopted. -
War on Austria
France declared war. It believed Austria was trying to invade. -
Louis XVI Death
Louis XVI was sentenced to the guillotine!! -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
The court sentenced 20,000 - 40,000 people to death. French natives start a civil war. The revolts are responded to with bloody repression and armies. -
Churches Close
Churches are closed. Terror became identified with the centralized revolutionary government. Extremists were killed. -
Period: to
Thermidorian Reaction
Anarchy and inflation almost overwhelmed the country. -
New Constitution
A new constitution was adopted after a reactionary rising in Vendemiare was suppressed. -
Fall of the Directory
The fall ends the FRENCH REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!