French Revolution

By xmirsl
  • Causes of the revolution

    Causes of the revolution
    Economic crisis: 1760... bad harvests (1787, 1788), rise in prices (food), discontent, anger, unemployment... Financial Crisis (Lack of money): monarchy's lack of money. Proposal of solution: privileged to pay taxes through a reform. Enlightenment:The bourgeoisie took the principles of the Enlightenment to defeat the absolutis and the "States of the kingdom." And it was also NEW ways of organizing society and government... starting with the French Revolution (1789). Poor social structure

    • State generals summoned to address the country's problems.
    • Third Estate representatives excluded due to change in voting system.
    • Meeting on the tennis court to create the National Assembly.
    • Commitment to draft a constitution for all the people of France.
    • Help from commoners and middle class.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Constitutional Monarchy
    • The moderate bourgeoisie was a social group during a historical period.
    • A new parliament was established by census suffrage and a constitution was drawn up.
    • The national assembly implemented legal reforms, such as the abolition of feudal rights and the declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen that promoted liberties, equality and fraternity.
    • The king retained the right to veto any law.
    • The national guard was designed to defend the revolution from the conservatives.
  • Three estates

    Three estates
    • The Three States are the social and political division of French society.
    • The First Estate was made up of the clergy of the Catholic Church.
    • The Second Estate was made up of the nobility.
    • The Third Estate was made up of the bourgeoisie and the peasants.
    • The First State and the Second State had economic and political privileges.
    • The Third Estate bore the burden of taxes and had fewer privileges and political opportunities.
  • The execution of the king (Louis XVI)

    The execution of the king (Louis XVI)
    King Louis XVI was deposed in 1792 and accused of treason, among other charges. He was tried and sentenced to death in January 1793. Finally, on January 21 of the same year, he was executed by guillotine on the Place de la Révolution in Paris. This event marked a turning point in the history of France and had repercussions both in the country and in the rest of Europe.
  • Social republic: Girondin convention

    Social republic: Girondin convention
    The end of the constitutional monarchy, the king was executed.
  • Social republic: Jacobin convention

    Social republic: Jacobin convention
    • Maximilien Robespierre led the Committee of Public Safety and exercised executive power during the radical period in the French Revolution.
    • The main objective of the radical government was to maintain the republic.
    • Monarchs and royalists were considered the main threats to the republic.
    • A European coalition was formed against the radical government, which led to a war against them.
    • a mandatory mass conscription was carried out in which 50,000 citizens were forced to join the army.
  • Social Republic: The Terror

    Social Republic: The Terror
    • The government, led by the Jacobins, imposed a dictatorship to put an end to the conspiracies.
    • Social laws were introduced, such as price control (maximum law for food).
    • The land owned by the church was sold.
    • Primary education was made compulsory.
  • Conservative Republic (The Directory)

    Conservative Republic (The Directory)
    • New moderate liberalism emerged during the time of Napoleon's rule and was associated with the moderate bourgeoisie.
    • Revolutionaries aimed to achieve equality and freedom for all male citizens, including the elimination of feudal privileges and increased political participation.
    • A constitution was written during this period, outlining the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
    • By the year 1796, many individuals who had been exiled from the country began to return.