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The French Revolution
From the establishment of the National Assembly to Napoleon's coup d'état -
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National Assembly
Created by the Third Estate during the meeting of the Estates General. Renamed the National Constituent Assembly on 9 July 1789 -
The Tennis Court Oath
Locked out of the meeting hall, the Third Estate gathers inside the tennis court and swears to not leave until a new constitution is drafted. -
Jacques Necker dismissed
Louis XVI dismisses Jacques Necker, the finance minister who was popular with the Third Estate. Necker's dismissal causes protests in Paris -
The Fall of the Bastille
Fearing the mobilization of soldiers around Paris, the urban mob took action and stormed the Bastille; the symbol of tyranny. -
The Great Fear
From 22 July to 6 August, peasant rebellions throughout France caused the destruction of noble chateaux, and resulted in the end of feudalism in France. -
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
The National Assembly adopts this document, written by La Fayette, which guarantees the French citizens natural rights. -
Women's March on Versailles
Angry Parisian women march to Versailles and force the royal family to return to Paris. The French government would no longer adjourn at Versailles -
Fête de la Fédération
The one year celebration of the French Revolution. -
Flight to Varennes
The royal family attempts to flee the country only to be captured near the Austrian Netherlands border. -
Declaration of Pillnitz
An agreement between Prussia and Austria that Louis XVI needed help restoring his power. -
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Legislative Assembly
This governing body replaced National Assembly through elections and established a constitutional monarchy. It is responsible for creating left and right wing politics. -
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National Convention
This governing body replaced the Legislative Assembly when France declared itself a republic. -
Louis XVI executed
Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat
Charlotte Corday kills Jean-Paul Marat while he is in the bath tub. She blamed him for inciting the September Massacres, but his death made him a martyr for the Reign of Terror. -
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Reign of Terror
The Committee of Public Safety takes drastic measures against treason, which ended with the Thermidorian Reaction. -
Marie Antoinette executed
Danton and Desmoulins executed
The Reign of Terror begins to tear itself apart with the execution of its most notable figures. -
Thermidorian Reaction
Convention members overthrow Robespierre, ending the Reign of Terror. -
Robespierre executed
Robespierre is executed by guillotine after a failed suicide attempt. -
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The Directory
The Constitution of Year III established this governing body, which replaced the National Convention. Napoleon's Coup of 18 Brumaire dissolved this government. -
Coup of 18 Brumaire
Napoleon declares himself first consul of France and dismisses the Directory