Diamond necklace Affair
Scandal around Marie Antoinette greatly affecting her popularity -
Calonne's tries to push ambitious fiscal reforms
Poor Harvest
Period: to
Nobles Revolt
Huge revolt of first the Parliament of Paris but then the regional too -
Poor Harvest
French Monarchy declares itself in bankruptcy
Parliament of Paris rules on voting for Estates-General
King agrees to double number of Third Estate
More than 50k offices in circulation
French royal bonds -
Abbé Sieyès publishes "What is the Third Estate"
30000 copies in 4 weeks -
Opening Estates-General
Creation of National Assembly
Motivated by Sieyès -
Tennis hall Oath
King announces substantial reforms
Promise to call regularly estates general
Abolishes tax on land and labor tax and eliminates the "lettres de cachet"
Voting system of the Estates-General is now per head -
King forces two others estates to Join the third
National Assembly becomes Constituent
Necker sacked
Bastille day
King Louis visits Paris
Accepts wearing a three-color emblem -
Period: to
Great Fear
Abolition of feudalism
Declaration of the Rights of man and of the Citizen
Marat founds "The friend of the People"
Election of the Legislative Assembly
Clergy property becomes state's
Motion pushed by Talleyrand -
Women's March on Versailles
Ends on 6th of October with the Return of the King to Paris -
Abolition of Religious Orders
Declares peace to the world
Civil constitution of the French Clergy
"Fête de la fédération"
Pope condemns Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Quod aliquantum -
Le Chapelier Law
King Louis Caught in Varennes
Champ de Mars Massacre
Rebellion of the 'Maroon Negroes'
Declaration of Pillnitz
French Constitution accepted
Olympes de Gouges publishes "The right of Women"
Mary Wollstonecraft publishes "Vindication of the Rights of Women"
France Declares war on Austria
Period: to
First Coalition
Crowd storms into the Tuileries
"La Patrie est en danger"
Brunswick Manifesto
Delegation from the City of Paris asks for the king to be deposed
Fall of Monarchy
Crowd storms into Tuileries and King escapes for Assembly = 600 Swiss Guards and servants killed after they had surrendered -
Period: to
Commune insurrectionnelle de Paris
Début insurrection en Vendée
Prussian Armies entered France and captured Verdun
Period: to
September Massacres
1200 people killed without any form of Justice -
Battle of Valmy
Goethe is amazed by the fact common people defeated professional soldiers because they loved what they were fighting for -
Election of the Convention
First Republic Proclaimed
Creation of the Committee of General Security
"Fraternity and assistance to all people who want to recover their liberties"
Period: to
King Louis Trial
Abolition of Feudalism in occupied territories
5000 clubs politiques en France
King Louis' death
Creation of the Revolutionary Tribunal
Law about immediate trial without Jury
Law of Maximum
Creation of Committee of Public Safety
Santhonax Decree in Saint Domingue
Marat's Assassination
Mass conscription
from 25 to 35 -
Beginning of the Terror
Law of Suspects
Law of General Maximum
Decide to create a new republican Calendar
Lyon fell to Jacobins
After being controlled by Girondins -
Marie Antoinette beheaded
Danton Killed
Festival of the Supreme Being
Loi of Prairial
Victory at Fleurus
Fall of Robespierre
Bale Treaty with Prussia
Royalist insurrection in Paris
Crushed by Bonaparte -
Creation of the Directory
Period: to
1st Campaign of Italy
Babeuf arrested
For trying to overthrow the regime -
Coup of 18 Fructidor by 3 Directors
Against Royalist Majority and 2 Directors -
Treaty of Campo Fiomo
Jourdan Law on Conscription
Period: to
Second Coalition
18th Brumaire Napoleon to power