French revolution events featured

french revolution

  • abolishment of Feudalism

    abolishment of Feudalism
    the constitute assembly was finally able to abolish the entire Feudal system. land became free and tithes were not paid to the church. peasants got their land free. the equality of legal punishment, admission of all to public office, abolition of venality in office and freedom of worship. and the first and the second estate lost their privileges. this was important because it changed the monarchy and was a step forward to freedom. (
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • the Tennis Court oath

    the Tennis Court oath
    After the third estate felt the urge and furious of the other estates doings they had come to a conclusion to break into the doors of the tennis court and stayed in revolt until there was a new constitution drawn up. . This was after their national assembly where they decided the absolute end of the monarchy and the beginning of representative government. its an important event because it was the beginning of the chaotic revolution the the first act of the third estate towards the monarchy.
  • storming of the Bastile

    storming of the Bastile
    As the national assembly continued their meetings in Versailles the soldiers of the monarchy and foreign forces came into Paris and started a chaotic disturbance. The Persians interrupted with the intention to stop the Assembly and they hit Bastille to secure gunpowder and weapons. Bastille surrendered shortly after. it is celebrated today as a national day in France and was a huge set back. (
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    The Assembly published the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen, charter of human liberties, it had the principles that led to the French revolution. It mainly stated that all men are free and have equal rights. The national assembly was replaced by national assembly. This is important because it is the date where they were legal free men with free right.
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    Bad harvests in France caused bread prices to rise. Bread being the main food in France, people especially women started to march the streets from Paris to the Palace of Versailles. Thinking that the royal family lived in luxury they demanded the king to live among the people. This was significant because it started a riot and was an up rise in the revolution.
  • Royal Flight to Varennes

    As a result of the Kings fear of his safety and the safety of his family, he decided to flee France and seek refuge in Austria dressed as servants. The king and his family were recognized and arrested the second day at Varennes and returned to Paris. The king’s choices had a great impact of the public’s opinion and he was seen as a traitor. This was important because it could have been the downfall of the king.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    France was under pressure due to the attack by Austrian army and its Prussian allies. Around 20000 Parisians laid siege Tuileries. On 1792 the monarchy was abolished and f4ranced was declared republic. On 1793 Louis was found guilty and charged with treason and executed on the streets of Paris. Also Queen Antoinette was found guilty of many crimes in October. This was important because France had changed its statues and has seen a new direction of rule.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The assembly had previously replaced itself with a new political body by the name National convention. They then created a committee of public safety that guarded the new republic from foreign attacks and rebellion. The leader Robespierre become a target of conspiracies and was arrested and executed on July 1794 and ended the reign of terror. This was important because it was the end of another formation of political organization made by the Assembly.
  • Coup of 18th Brumaire

    The formation of yet another constitution of the year lll. This new constitution created the directory. It had 5 members in the directory with a five year mandate. It was involved in corruption, political conflict and financial problems. In a coup d’etat the five directors were ousted and replaced by three consuls, Napoleon, Emmanuel, and politician Roger. This coup was referred to as the end of the French revolution making it a significant part.
  • French Revolutionary Wars

    Revolutionary France was viewed dangerous by other European monarchies who saw it with both fear and anger. Which led to the French revolutionary wars. It began when France declared a war on Prussia and Austria. France under the control of Bonaparte conquered vast territories despite of its setbacks. . The end of the French revolution and what it significance it spread to the world was an important part.