French revolution

french revolution

  • Louis dismisses Necker, a popular minister

    Louis dismisses Necker, a popular minister
  • The Wives’ March; Louis “kidnapped” back to Paris

    The Wives’ March; Louis “kidnapped” back to Paris
  • Clergy instructed to swear allegiance to France

    Clergy instructed to swear allegiance to France
  • France declares war on Austria

    France declares war on Austria
  • First use of guillotine

    First use of guillotine
  • Prussia declares war on France

    Prussia declares war on France
  • Committee of Public Safety founded

    Committee of Public Safety founded
  • New Constitution proclaimed

    New Constitution proclaimed
  • Pope Pius VI condemns the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Pope Pius VI condemns the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
  • the tennis court oath

    the tennis court oath
  • storming of the basstale

    storming of the basstale
  • estate genreal convese

    estate genreal convese