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French revolution

  • General States

    General States
    The Estates General was inaugurated in the Ballroom of the Palace of Versailles, convened by Louis XVI, with the intention of resolving the critical situation that the French Treasury was going through. Formed by 1138 individuals.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The national assembly put the Revolution in the hands of the moderate sectors. With it, France ceased to be an absolute monarchy and was organized as a limited and constitutional monarchy.
  • Ballgame Pledge

    Ballgame Pledge
    Versailles was gripped by political turmoil. Louis XVI, beset by financial problems and popular discontent, had been forced to convene the Estates General, the traditional representative assembly of the kingdom of medieval origin.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a powerful fortress that dominated the popular neighborhoods of eastern Paris, a symbol of the arbitrary authority of the absolute monarchy, which was originally a fortification against the English during the Hundred Years War, and which Richelieu turned into a prison of the state
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, was the end of the Old Regime and the beginning of a new era. It is inspired by the Declaration of the Rights of Man that was given in the United States, as well as being inspired by the philosophical spirit of the 18th century. This event proclaims the rights of freedom, security and resistance to oppression.
  • Escape from Varennes

    Escape from Varennes
    The Flight of Varennes, was one of the most significant events of the French Revolution, which happened after the serious fall of the royal family in question to its authority. It happened on the night of June 20, 1791, Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI and their children tried to flee from the Tuileries Palace.
  • First Constitution

    First Constitution
    The Constitution of 1791 is the product of the first years of the French Revolution, and marked a very important milestone in the advancement of political participation compared to the previous model of the Old Regime. We have already talked about the historical events that were marking the path of the Revolution during the Assembly, let us now see what its greatest work was: the Constitution of 1791.
  • I French Republic

    I French Republic
    The events that happened in France terrified the European monarchs, who saw that their thrones were in danger and formed a coalition against the revolutionaries. Louis XVI, in an attempt to escape, ended up being discovered and the people attacked the Tuileries Palace
  • Assault on the Tuileries Palace

    Assault on the Tuileries Palace
    There was a great resentment of the people towards Louis XVI and his family, this finally exploded on August 10, 1792, when the enraged crowd stormed the Tuileries Palace, shoutingly accusing the monarch of treason, thus forcing him to take refuge in the Legislative Assembly.
  • I French Republic

    I French Republic
    The events that happened in France terrified the European monarchs, who saw that their thrones were in danger and formed a coalition against the revolutionaries. Louis XVI, in an attempt to escape, ended up being discovered and the people attacked the Tuileries Palace
  • Jacobin Convention

    Jacobin Convention
    The committee of public health directed the war, diplomacy, finance, and internal security of France. The revolutionary court judged without the possibility of defense those suspected of being counterrevolutionaries.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    He was a French monarch who held the title of Duke of Berry. He was convicted of treason and sentenced to the guillotine on January 21, 1793. His execution marked the end of the absolutist monarchy in France.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Robespierre, was one of the most recognized politicians of the French Revolution. Robespierre, was pursued and captured in Varennes, one of the places where he decided to stop during his trip. Finally, Robespierre, was recognized as the culprit of establishing alliances with different foreign powers. And he was sentenced to die in the orda on July 27, 1794.
  • Thermidor Strike

    Thermidor Strike
    The Convention ends, beginning a period of reaction against the revolutionary government policy. This occurs after the fall of Robespierre in the guillotine. Finally, the period of the French Republic and the rule of the Jacobins came to an end.
  • Napoleon's coup

    Napoleon's coup
    The coup d'état took place on the 18th Brumaire of the year VIII, a conspiracy of notables who wanted to defend, with the support of the army, the interests of the bourgeoisie that emerged from the Revolution.