Royal Treasury is Empty
Financial problems have crippled the French economy and so the people of France are struggling to survive. France has spent lots of money fighting wars that have yielded no profit. France is on the edge of bankruptcy when King Louis XVI hires Charles Calonne as General of Finances. This is a huge point in the French Revolution because it caused King Louis XVI to call the Estates General. https://www.pbs.org/marieantoinette/timeline/finance.html#:~:text=Financial%20Failings%3A%201787%2D1788, -
Period: to
French Revolution
Estates General
King Louis XVI called for the meeting of the Estates General in order to decide how to solve the economic problems in France. Since each estate had a vote the third estate was overruled. The result of the meeting was that the third estate was to be taxed more. This is the biggest event leading up to the revolution because it was what caused the national assembly to be formed which kick started the revolution. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/427133/viewContent/3189810/View -
National Assembly
The National Assembly was formed as a response to the results of the Estates General. It was formed by third estate members who were frustrated with the current state of France. The Tennis Court Oath was written and signed here.
This is the first action that led to the revolution. This assembly gave the people of France hope for change in France. https://www.historycrunch.com/national-assembly-of-the-french-revolution.html#/ -
Storming of the Bastille
The Storming of the Bastille is the first use of military action during the French Revolution.Many of the Kings army turned on him here and joined the sea of revolutionaries. The reason for the taking of the Bastille was to free political prisoners and arm the revolutionaries.
This battle kick started the violent overthrow of the revolution. At this point the king had little of an army left. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/french-revolutionaries-storm-bastille -
Decleration of the Rights of Man and of Citizen
This is the the French version of the Deceleration of Independence. This was supposed to give everyone the basic rights of man that they believed were necessary. This article was directly attacking the king's power by saying he will not be able to rule by the rule of law.
This was very significant to the French people because it showed them what life without a oppressive king would look like. https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/the-declaration-of-the-rights-of-man-and-of-the-citizen -
Royal Family Attempts to Leave Paris
King Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee Paris by carriage in the night. They are noticed and stopped in Varennes and they are sent back to Paris. The revolutionaries are mad at them for attempting to escape so they take away almost all of their power and are constantly watching them.
This is important because it marks the final time that the revolutionaries restricted the families power before executing them. https://www.historycrunch.com/royal-family-flees-paris.html#/ -
Robespierre Gains Power and Begins Reign of Terror
Robespierre was a Jacobin leader who gained control over France and established a ruthless dictatorship. He began the Reign of Terror as a way to cleanse France of people who were against the revolution. Thousands of Priests, civilians, and revolutionaries were executed in the streets as a show of force.
The Reign of Terror is significant because it is like the second dictatorship after the king was executed. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/427133/viewContent/3189818/View -
King Louis XVI Executed
The execution of King Louis XVI marked the end of monarchy in France. The king was executed after being convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers by the National Convention. He was executed by guillotine in front of a mass of people as a show of force.
This is one of the most important moments in the revolution because it marks the final time the monarchy had power. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/king-louis-xvi-executed#:~:text=January%2021-,King%20Louis%20XVI%20executed,de%20la% -
Execution of Robespierre and his Followers
The execution of Robespierre by the National Convention was the end of the bloodshed in the France. Robespierre along with 21 of his followers were guillotined in front a massive crowd in France. The people cheered because it was the end of years of bloodshed caused by the Jacobin party and Robespierre.
This is the most significant point moment because it is the start of the new France with democratic ideas. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/robespierre-overthrown-in-france -
Napoleon Takes Control of France
Napoleon's friends encouraged him to take control over France and establish a new order. Napoleon was loved and supported by the French people. He established many new democratic systems that improved the lives of many people in France.
Napoleon established the new France that was democratic. Soon after Napoleon started conquering Europe and improved the lives of the French citizens. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/427133/viewContent/3189822/View