Philippoteaux lamartine

French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Huge Debt

    The bankers didn't want to lend any more money to King Louis XVI.
  • Meeting In Versailles

    Meeting In Versailles
    The King wanted to put the idea of tax. The second estate told him that he should call a meeing of the Estates-General, which were the representatives of all three estates.
  • National Assembly Established

    National Assembly Established
    The National Assembly was established which was made up of third estate delagates that passed and reformed laws for French. This was the end of absolute monarchy and beginning of representative democracy.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The third estate delegates were locked out of their meeting room so they broke into and indoor tennis court, pledging to stay until they had drawn a new constitution. This pledge was called the Tennis Court Oath.
  • Mob Rebellion

    Mob Rebellion
    A huge mob searching for gunpowder and arms, stormed into Bastille, Paris prison.
  • Declaring Liberty and Equality

    Declaring Liberty and Equality
    Noblemen made grand speeches, declaring their love for liberty and equality.
  • Parisian Women Riot

    Parisian Women Riot
    Because of the Great Fear, that was when the peasants were terrified because they thought nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize them, women marched into Versailles because they thought there was a raising price in bread. Also they demanded king and queen to return to Paris.
  • Period: to

    Assembly Reforms France

  • Royal Family Tries to Escape

    Royal Family Tries to Escape
    The royal family tries to escape to the Austrian Netherlands but they were caught at the border and returned to Paris.
  • Legislative Assembly Created

    Legislative Assembly Created
    The new constitution was made and was approve by King Louis XVI. Created limited constitutional monarchy and lowered kings power. The Legislative Assembly was created, they had the power to create laws and approve or reject of declerations of war. But then was seperated into other factions. Like the Emigres which were the nobles that wanted to undo the revolution. Also the San-cullotes, who were the workers and small shopkeepers that wanted the revolution to change more things.
  • France Declares War

    France Declares War
    Austria and Prussia want French to restore the kings position to an absolute monarch. Legislative Assembly responds by declaring war.
  • Invading Tuileries

    Invading Tuileries
    Parisian men and women invaded the Tulieries where the royal family was staying. They massacred guards and imprisoned, Louis XVI, Maria Antoiniette and their children.
  • Jacobins

    Most of the people who were involved in the governmental changes in September 1792, were members of a radical political organization, the Jacobin Club. They wanted to kill anybody supporting the king.
  • King Louis XVI Faces Death

    King Louis XVI Faces Death
    King Louis was walking the steps to be beheaded by a machine called the guillotine, which was a machine that was easy to kill in a fast way.
  • A Draft Was Ordered

    A Draft Was Ordered
    The Convention ordered a draft, of 300,000 French citizens from ages 18 to 40.
  • Maximilien Robespierre

    Maximilien Robespierre
    Robespierre became leader of Comittee of Public Safety. He gained power and governed France as a dictator. This rule was known as the 'Reign of Terror'
  • Robespierre Faces Execution

    Robespierre Faces Execution
    National Convention turned on Robespierre. He was sent to the guillotine.
  • Period: to

    New Plan For Government

    Moderate leaders in National Convention drafted a new plan for the government. They also found a right general to command France's armies, Napoleon Bonaparte.