French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Radical Phase

    Escalating violence led to the end of the monarchy and started the Reign of Terror
  • Tennis Court Oath

    National Assembly resolves to not disband without a written constitution
  • Period: to

    National Assembly

    3rd estate declares itself the "Assembly of the Nation"
  • Bastille is stormed

    Over 800 Parisians take over the Bastille, killing the commander and 5 guards
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    Great Fear

    Peasants attack noble manors
  • Feudalism is renounced

    Nobles in the National Assembly renounce feudal rights
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    National Assembly issues Declaration of the Rights of Man
  • King Louis is executed

  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Suspected enemies of the revolution were sent to the guillotine by the thousands
  • Law of Suspects

    National Convention adopts a new Law of Suspects, permitting the arrest and rapid trial of anyone suspected of opposing the Revolution
  • Marie-Antoinette is executed

    Marie-Antoinette is convicted and guillotined on the Place de la Revolution.
  • Reign of Terror ends

    Robespierre, the leader of the Committee of Public Safety, is executed. His death marked the beginning of the Thermidorian Reaction, a moderate phase in which the French people revolted against the Reign of Terror’s excesses
  • Inmates Released

    Inmates of Paris prisons arrested under the Law of Suspects are released
  • France gains a bicameral legislature

    The National Convention approved a new constitution that created France’s first bicameral legislature
  • French Revolution Ends

    French Revolution ends with Napoleon Bonaparte taking full control of the government