French revolution

French Revolution

  • Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    Louis XVI calls the Estates General
  • Period: to

    Louis XVI Calls the Estates-General

    Who: Delegates from the 1st,2nd, and 3rd estates
    Why: Louis XVI summoned this meeting because he saw France on the verge of bankrupt, the Bread riots were spreading, nobility were fearful of taxes and called it royal tyranny.
    What: The meeting was for all the estates to get together and discuss what was happening. Both the 1st and 2nd wanted to keep there luxury and not pay taxes and 3rd estate wanted all the estates to have to pay taxes. Thats were they take there Tennis Court Oath.
  • Divided French Society/ Financial Problems

    Divided French Society/ Financial Problems
  • Period: to

    Divided French Society/ Financial Problems

    Who: 1st estate- Clergy 2nd estate- nobility, king 3rd estate- everyone else
    The country was under a lot of debt due to the Seven Years War and helping the United States Revloution. Also they spilt the society into 3 estates and made the lowest class pay all the taxes for everyone which made up about 90% of the population and contained many starving people.
  • Parisians stormed the Bastille

    Parisians stormed the Bastille
    800 parisian citizen stormed a prison/fort called Bastille to look for weapons. They killed the comander and royal troops.
  • Revolt/National Assembly(Rights of Man, women's march, church,Constitution

    Revolt/National Assembly(Rights of Man, women's march, church,Constitution
    -The National Assembly declares war on tyranny.
    -Radicals take over.
    -They start a new goverment.
    Womens March:
    -6,000 women march to Verailles and resused to leave until the king came to Paris.
    -Church is placed under state control.
    -National Assembly produced the Constitution of 1791
  • Threats from Abroad

    Threats from Abroad
    The king of Prussia, which was Marie Antionettes brother, and the emperor of Austria issued theDeclaration of Pilnite. The two monarchs threatened to intervene to protect to French Monarchy. The French Revolutionists took it seriously and prepared for war.
  • Civil War(Radicals Take Over)

    Civil War(Radicals Take Over)
    The radicals took over the Legislative Assembly. They were eager to spread revolution and destroy tyranny so they declared war on Austria then Prussia, Britain, and other states.
  • Monarchy Abolished

    Monarchy Abolished
    -News about war heightened tensions.
    -Tension leads to violence, August 10th, 1792 a crowd of Parisians stormed the royal palace of th e Tuileries and slaughtered the kings guard.
    -Radicals take control and execute the king.
    -New legislative body called National Convention, voted to abolish monarchy.
    -In October Marie Anoinette was executed.
  • Spread of Nationalism

    Spread of Nationalism
    The Revolution and wars gave the French a great sense of national identity. The goverment started th egoverment rallied sons and daughters of revolution to defend trhe nation itself. By 1793 France was a nation in arms.
  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
    Danger threatened france on all sides due to the war against the Netherlands, Britain, Spain and Prussia. The Convention created the Commitee of Public Safety, which had almost absolute power. Robespierre, who was a shrewd lawyer and a politician, quickly rose to power of the Commitee of Public Safety. He started the Reign of Terror and arrested 300,000 and executed 17,000 from the guilotine. This lasted from September 1793 to July 1794.
  • Third Stage of the Revoferlution

    Third Stage of the Revoferlution
    The Constitution of 1795 set up a five man directory and a two house legislative elected by the citizens of France. The directory had power from 1795 to 1799. The bread prices rised due to the wars with Austria and Great Britian. Politians turned to Napoleon Bonaparte who was a popular military hero. And Napoleon rises to power.