in France of the pre-Revolutionary monarchy, the representative assembly of the three estates,or orders of the realm: the clergy and nobility,which were privileged minoritie and a Third Estate, which represented the majority of the people. -
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In France, the Old Regime was destroyed by the French Revolution. -
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The end of the Old Regime
The people of Paris attacked the Bastille. -
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Opposition to the constitunional monarchy
A legislative Assembly was formed , and France now had a constitutional monarchy . -
Declared war of France
Austria and Prusia declared the war . -
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The birth of the French Republic
a National Convention governed France. -
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The Reign of Terror
There was a sense of emergency among leading politicians in France in the summer of 1793 between the widespread civil war and counter-revolution. Bertrand Barère exclaimed on 5 September 1793 in the Convention: "Let's make terror the order of the day." They were determined to avoid street violence such as the September Massacres of 1792 by taking violence into their own hands as an instrument of government. -
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The directory
Following the execution of the most radical revolutionaries, a new Constitution established limited suffrage based on property ownership.