French revolution

  • Period: to

    french revolution

  • 3rd estate declares itself the national assembly

    3rd estate declares itself the national assembly
    they are on in theory taking away the power of the king
  • fall of Bastille

    fall of Bastille
    A crowd marches on Bastille and pulled it down brick by brick
  • The Declaration of Right of Man

    The Declaration of Right of Man
    This Declaration said that all man or born and remain free and equal in rights
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    A large angry crowed of mostly women marched on versailles and took the king and queen prisoner
  • The king and queen try and escape

    The king and queen try and escape
    the kind and queen try and escape and get caught near the border
  • King is killed

    King is killed
    king is found guilty of treason and put to death
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    many are killed for being enemys of the revolution
  • Naploleon defends delegates

    Naploleon defends delegates
    naploleon defends delegates and becomes a hero this starts his rise to power