French Revolution

  • Old Regime

    Old Regime
    In the 1770's France was divided into Estates in which every state was was a different social class and was treated differently. Whenever France was making decisions each estate had one vote. The first estate was the monarch which was the king, the second estate was the Pope, and the third estate was the people which was 97% of the population. This was very unfair because 97% of the population only got 1 vote
  • Estate General Meeting

    Estate General Meeting
    King Louis XVI was a very weak ruler and liked to do everything his own way. His queen, Marie Antoinette didn't really know France was in starvation and wasted a lot of money in different useless things like jewelry, gambling etc. When the King ran out of money the second estate forced him to call the first general estate meeting in 175 years.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    After the Estate General Meeting the third estate was extremely mad that they were 97% of the population and had only 1 third of the say. They decided to call themselves the National Assembly and wanted to have a bigger say in the government. But the king locked them out because he didn't like their idea. This didn't stop them and they gathered in a tennis court. This meeting was called the Tennis Court Oath.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    After the citizens weren't heard by the King or the Queen they got extremely mad. The bastille was a prison in France but it reminded people of all of the problems that France's monarchy had. The french stormed the bastille on July 14 of 1789. This was the start of the French Revolution. The date 14 of July of 1789 is like a 4th of July for the french
  • End of Old Regime

    End of Old Regime
    The noblemen did speeches and convinced the first and second estates. By the next morning the Old Regime was dead
  • The Rights of Man and Citizens

    The Rights of Man and Citizens
    After the Old Regime ended, the citizens came up with a statement of revolutionary ideals. The Rights of Man and Citizen stated things like "Men and born and remain free and equal in rights"
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    Many Parisian Women started to protest with torches, pitch forks, knifes and axes. They wanted the National Assembly to take action and provide them with bread. They demanded that King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette returned to Paris. And after sometime King Louis XVI agreed
  • Limited Monarchy

    Limited Monarchy
    In September of 1791 the National Assembly created a new constitution which Louis later approved. This constitution had a constitutional monarchy and a legislative branch. This was the start of the France we know today
  • Period: to

    France at War

    In 1792 France was at a war. The war started very badly for the french and a lot of citizens were starving. The Prussians were advancing a lot and imprisoned King Louis, Marie Antoinette and their children. Jacobins later took control.
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    Robespierre's Control and Death

    Maximilien Robespierre slowly rose to power in early months of 1793. He wiped out everything France had and even made a new calendar. He wanted to take away the religion and was manipulating France. This made France fall into terror and it was a very dark time for France. The French Revolution finally ended when Robespierre went to the guillotine in 1794.