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French Revolution

  • The Estates-General Meeting (2)

    Each estate has different populations but will only have one vote. This is unfair as the Third Estate only has one vote, even though a majority of the population is Third Estate, The First Estate (Clergy) and the Second Estate (Nobility) would vote together as their interests were similar, which was unfair for the Third Estate.
  • The Estates-General Meeting (1)

    The Estates-General Meeting (1)
    King Louis XVI has set up the Estates-General meeting, which has not been called in 173 years. The Estates-General meeting was held in the Palace of Versailles, just outside of Paris. As Louis XVI was not trained to be a king, his leadership was inadequate, and had the assistance of others from the First to Third Estate to help in the economic crisis in France. The Estates-General meeting is where the king is a speaker for the estates, and the first, second and third.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
    Takes place a month after the calling of the Estates-General. The Third Estate creates their own government that goes against the monarchy. The National Assembly makes the Third Estate think that they are equal to the king. The National Assembly took place a few days before the Tennis Court Oath. This is the same “government” that starts the French Revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The Third Estate has no control over the votes, the changes they want are always overpowered one to two. The Third Estate are furious about the called meeting and leave the meeting, they go to a court nearby. The Third Estate, tired of the monarchy’s power and they decide to be defiant. This is near the start of the French Revolution. The Third Estate has wanted better representation, but they did not get what they wanted. This makes the Third Estate have a sense to retaliate.
  • The Storming of Bastille (2)

    This event is considered to be one of the most important events in the French Revolution as it shows the defiance of the French, and that they are willing to battle for change in the country.
  • The Storming of Bastille (1)

    The Storming of Bastille (1)
    After the Tennis Court Oath, the National Assembly challenged Bastille. The Bastille is a prison where some members of the Third Estate are being held, approximately seven. As some of the Third Estate’s members were held in the Bastille, they destroyed the prison and freed the people that were inside. The Storming of Bastille is the initial start and the event that activates the French Revolution.
  • Formation of the Constitutional Monarchy (1)

    As Louis XVI was in Versailles, the Paris Women’s March was actively taking place. The women wanted Louis XVI to move to Paris and he agrees, and he will share power with the people. The sign that made Louis XVI accept their order is when they killed one of his guards, beheaded him and put his head on a pitchfork. The Constitutional Monarchy is a sharing of power between the monarchy and the people of France.
  • Formation of the Constitutional Monarchy (2)

    After the constitutional monarchy, the people will have more control over the government where they don’t need Louis XVI, and he can not do anything much about it. Over time the progress happens, people will develop and the monarchy will fade as it is in revolution.
  • Mob overthrowing of the Constitutional Monarchy

    As the French Revolution is ongoing, the Constitutional Monarchy has been overthrown, and France is a free country. Louis XVI no longer has control over France, and the people are going out of control. The power is moved away from the monarchy with each step. There was no one to take over France, and it started to go out of control from then.
  • Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette executed

    Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette executed
    As the monarchy is no more, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are no use to France. On January 21, 1793, Louis XVI was executed by guillotine. Louis XVI’s wife, Marie Antoinette was executed by guillotine on October 16, 1793. The cause for their deaths is that they were suspected of treason, and the thought that they had turned their backs against France. The country is in full destruction mode after their deaths.
  • The start of the Reign of Terror (2)

    There is a major reason why it is called the Reign of Terror, many people have died in this time frame, even a false accusation will get you executed. This was ongoing for almost a year and thousands of people have been executed or imprisoned during this time.
  • The start of the Reign of Terror (1)

    The start of the Reign of Terror (1)
    After the monarchy’s leaders were executed, The Jacobins, which was led by Maximilian Robespierre, created the Committee of Public Safety. Basically the Committee of Public Safety was created to prevent counter-revolutionaries from destroying the country. Robespierre would execute the counter-revolutionaries and any person that seemed suspicious of being a counter-revolutionary.
  • The end of the Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror came to an end as Maximilian Robespierre got his power taken away from him and executed. The members of the Committee of Public Safety get arrested, France is a much better place, the communities and revolution itself become more connected rather than splitting people apart.