French Revolution

  • Jean-Paul Marat

    Jean-Paul Marat
    Marat was a physician and scientist who sided with the revolution. Marat published articles and his viewpoint on he revolution. He was eventually however assassinated by Charlotte Corday a loyalist to the French Crown.
  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI
    He was the king of France during the French revolution. This however was not a good ting with his lack of understanding of the common people led to his execution on the guillotine.
  • Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette
    The last French Queen know for the famous quote "let them eat cake". She was married to Louis XVI and had nine children in total. She was eventually beheaded by the guillotine during the French Revolution.
  • Marquis de Lafayette

    Marquis de Lafayette
    Lafayette was an accomplished military solider and a successful one at that. He served not only in the French revolution but in the American revolutionary war. He was a trusted ally of George Washington
  • Charlotte Corday

    Charlotte Corday
    Corday was a French crown loyalist. Although she did share ideals of the englitment. She played an important role as the Assassin of the French revolutionist Jean-Paul Marat.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon was a successful military individual. Participating in the French revolution and the saving of his home island. He was well educated in the military and had important standing throughout France.. He was the second surviving child of eight whom he had been the fourth born.
  • Jacobins

    Jacobins was a Club or society established during the French Revolution. This political group goal was to form a connotational monarchy instead of the original setup of the French gov.
  • Women's March to Versilles

    Women's March to Versilles
    The women's march to Versilles was a protest on the lack of food. Women marched to protest for there families to get bread. This is one of the earliest protest in French Revolution history.
  • Calling of the Estates General

    Calling of the Estates General
    This is were the three estates or social classes would meet.. This would only happen if the King summoned them. It was considered a rare occurrence the meeting before this was over a hundred years ago.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    When the Third estate was locked out of the meeting hall they moved instead to a tennis court. There they vowed to remain united until a new constitution was formed for there kingdom.
  • Attack of Basittle

    Attack of Basittle
    The Bastille was a prison in France. This prison was used to hold political or enemy's of the King. A act of Revolution an aggressive mob attacked the prison and freed most of its prisoners.
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    This is one of the course of events that took place before the French revolution. This was a serious of protest and riots that built up to the revolution. Full of conspiricy and general unrest.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    The king of France was executed on accounts of treason. This was due to the fact he failed to concede the Crown to the revolutionist.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    A time during the French revolution were fear was the main emotion. The enemy surronded France and executions were commonplace.
  • The Directory is formed

    The Directory is formed
    The Directory was an Idea set up by the constitution of year two. The Directory however suffered easily from corruption and not what's best for the people.