French Revolution

  • 3) June 20th, 1789: Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis court Oath was a meeting that was hosted June 23 but was hosted June 20th because of the third Estate they all gathered by the door of the meeting halls but noticed to see that their doors were being guarded and locked. The third estate all agreed to meet up at the Tennis court nearby writing an oath by Emmanuel Sieyès being signed by 576 deputies and an abstainer knowing that the oath was getting famous the king wanted to see the third estate fail so he tried bringing them down.
  • 1) May 5th 1789: Estates General Called

    May 5th was the Day the 3 Estates were called the Clergy, the Nobility, and the commoners this was their first Estate meeting since 1614 called By Louis XVI who was the king of France. This meeting was called because France was having financial problems, so from there, the 2 estates wanted to vote while the third one didn't like how they would vote because they would always be outvoted which caused the vote to take several days leading the third estate taking matters into their old hands.
  • 2) June 17th, 1789: National Assembly Formed

    The assembly was formed because the third estate didn't like how they were voting because they knew they would be outvoted by the other nations. The third estate was mad because the king wouldn't give them more power so that's where they formed a group called the National Assembly have they hosted a meeting regularly and running the country without the king's help. Even though the members of the assembly wanted a new governor they were always still fighting for power with different clubs.
  • 7) June 21st, 1793: King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Beheaded

    June 21st, 1793 King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were both convicted of treason by the national convention then being sentenced to death by them. Louis XVI failed to mention France was having financial problems and Instigating the French revolution, not knowing that he was going to make matters worse he tried to flee the scene with his family then being caught than being sent back to Paris. While time passed the Legislative Assembly and the First French Republic found proof of his crimes.
  • 4) July 14th, 1790: The Storming of the Bastille

    The Bastille was a prison on the east side of Paris, It has shown a symbol of the monarchy's dictatorial rule. The prison was attacked by a mob meaning a large group of angry people. At this time there were only 7-10 prisoners inside the jail cell with the governor of the prison not complying causing the mob to viciously start a battle inside the prison leading to the governor being seized and killed having his head being carried on a spike. The Bastille was the start of the French Revolution.
  • 5) 1791: Constitutional Monarchy Formed

    The Constitution of 1791 was created by the National assembly throughout the French Revolution. It was a system of voting where an active citizen who paid taxes and two-thirds of men had the right to vote for their electors. This created what was called a constitutional monarchy and serve political ideas motivated by the enlightenment of the American Revolution showing what limit and power the governor had during this time. But the constitution was compromised because of the betray of the king.
  • 6) September 1792: France a Republic

    Becoming a republic on September 20 1792 made up of Girondin who were supporting the bourgeoisie who liked the central regime. This convention tried framing King Louis XVI for treason then finding him killed them calling and execution which happens on January 21 1793, before his death they tried to postpone his death because of the revolutionists. While France was becoming a republic it also established the national convention and the reign of terror and the creation of napoleon's rise to power
  • 8) September 5th, 1793: Reign of Terror Begins

    This was a civil war from September 5 1793 to July 27 1794 it was a year was having France was being surrounded by Vendee and Hostile armies. It was a decision made by the revolutionary government because he thought there were suspected enemies of the revolution,having the economic side embodied, This was led by Maximilien Robespierre having about 19,639 being killed And even in prison there was a report of deaths happening in prison because their harsh foods leading no one to eat and just die.
  • 9) July 27th, 1794: Reign of Terror Ends

    This ended because Maximilien Robespierre was removed from power being found and his allies guilty and executed because of the number of crimes he committed and deaths all on his hands. He was guillotined less than 2 days of his crimes against the France Republic. During this time Queen Marie Antoinette was one of the first people executed during the reign of terror on the guillotine, which was a device that was used to just straightly cut of the person's head with no remorse or anything.