French Revolution Brennen Myers

By bmyer35
  • Bourbon Habsburg Marriage

    Bourbon Habsburg Marriage
    At age 15, Louis XVI married 14 year old Marie-Antoinette. Thus uniting the Bourbons of France with the Habsburgs of Austria in hopes to end an old Austrian-French rivarly
  • France Is Left Bankrupt

    France Is Left Bankrupt
    Due to France's involvement in the American Revolutionary War, the economy or france perishes leaving Louis XVI even more unpopular/hated by teh frenhc people
  • The Estates General Is Called To Order

    The Estates General Is Called To Order
    King Louis XVI called the Estates General to order for the first time since 1614. This meeting was called to address the financial crisis France was enduring. He wanted the Third Estate to pay more taxes which did not go over well.
  • National Assembly Is Created

    National Assembly Is Created
    The Thrid Estate is fed up with the Kings outrageous taxes and the inevitabilty of being outvoted by the 1st and 2nd Estates. After being locked out of the Estates General the 3rd Estate creates the National Assembly where the "Tennis Court Oath" is taken.
  • The Bastille Is Stormed

    The Bastille Is Stormed
    In order to protect themselves form the Kings hired mercenaries, the Third Estate captured the Bastille freeing loads of weapons into the hands of citizens. Mass riots then broke out.
  • Declaration Of The Rights Of Man Is Adopted

    Declaration Of The Rights Of Man Is Adopted
    The national assembly had a goal to create an efffective constitution. The declaration of the rights of man is the end product. It proclaims that ALL men have unalienable rights of liberty and equality. The King is forced to sign the document ridding him of practically all power.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    A large group, led by large burly women that worked at the fishmarket, march to Versailles and DEMAND bread for the poor, which at the time was overtaxed. The uprising was ignored, incresing the crowd hostility, until the King and Queen retreat to Paris.
  • The King And Queen Attempt An Escape

    The King And Queen Attempt An Escape
    Fearing for their lives the two monarchs attempt to flee to Austria to escape the revolution and chance of execution. The attempt failed misserably an dthe King and Queen were paraded back to Paris and lost all types of credibilty they may have had.
  • The Guillotine Makes Its First Cut

    The Guillotine Makes Its First Cut
    Louis XVI's preferred killing method was the breaking wheel however, France preferred a method that was "humane". The Guillotine provided a quick and merciful killing technique. The Guillotine also started what woud become a killing craze in The Reign of Terror
  • First French Republic Is Born

    First French Republic Is Born
    After the revolution and the abolishment of monarchy, France establsihed a National convention that was run by the Girondin faction. The Girondins suprport the bourgeosie and favor the ultimate idea of a central regime.
  • Louis XVI is placed on trial

    Louis XVI is placed on trial
    At the first meeting of the NAtional Convention it is decided that King Louis XVI ewil be placed on trial for treason due to his escape attempt and counter-revolution support. This later leads to the complete fall of the Bourbon Monarch in its entirety.
  • Louis XVI Faces Execution

    Louis XVI Faces Execution
    King Louis XVI was found as guilty and condemned to death via Guillotine. THus marking the obliteration of the Bourbon Monarchy and the birth of a new France
  • Marat Is Murdered

    Marat Is Murdered
    Jean-Paul Marat was murdered whilst in his medicinal bath by a coservative Girondin by the name of Charlotte Corday. Marat could be held resonsible for numerous executions by means of his radical journals.
  • Period: to

    The Reign Of Terror

    THe Reign of Terror marks a period of time in which extreme wmounts of people or executed and muredered in hopes to rid France of any possible aspect of counter-revolution. The Committee of Public Saftey is held respinsible as well as Robespierre for all the actions of the Reign of Terror.
  • Robespierre Meets His Demise

    Robespierre Meets His Demise
    Being the source/cause of The Reign of Terror, Maximillien Robespierre is arrested, overthrown, and executed. Marking the end of The Great Terror and The Committee of Public Safety.
  • Passing Of Tha Napoleanic Codes

    Passing Of Tha Napoleanic Codes
    Napoleons places a new legal-framework on the post-revolutionary France which entails the individuals rights, property, colonial affairs, etc.
  • Napoleons Coronation

    Napoleons Coronation
    Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself emperor to mark the legitimacy of his reign and power
  • Napoleons Exile To Elba

    Napoleons Exile To Elba
    Due to the Treaty of Fontainebleau Napolean was dethroned and exiled To Elba which he later escaped
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    This congress was put in place to reorganize France and Europe after the reign of Napolean, but held its "final act" before Napoleons defeat at Waterloo
  • Period: to

    Napoleons 100 Days

    Period of time between when Napoleon escaped Elbas Exile and returned to Paris, and the time in which Louis XVIII returned