Start of Absolute Monarchy in France
The monarchy in France had existed since the beginning of their time. However, the idea of absolute monarchy was introduced in the 16th century and gained traction. By the late 1700s, absolute monarchy had been established and cemented as the French Government. -
Start of the Enlightenment Period
An intellectual and spiritual movement, people throughout Europe started to question their views about many different subjects. The ideas of tolerance, fairness and oppression began to spark conversations among the people. People started questioning their rights as humans and citizens, and soon realized that their government had been walking over them. -
Defeat in Seven Years' War
France suffered a heavy defeat from Great Britain after partnering with Spain in the war. French navy forces were extremely depleted once the war finished. -
Participation in American Revolutionary War
France played a huge role in the American Revolutionary War. France assisted in many key battles, and also got revenge on Britain for their defeat in the Seven Years' War. However, due to France's participation, the country was on the brink of bankruptcy afterwards. -
Crop failures in most of France
Many people think that the main reason for the French Revolution was Enlightenment ideas, but that's not the case. The biggest reason was the lack of food throughout the country. Crop failures devastated France and caused severe Famine. That was the last straw for most people. -
Election and Meeting of Estates General
Group of representatives brought together to solve France's economic crisis. This group is a body of selected delegates who represented the clergy, the nobility and the common people of France. The Estates General had not been called together since 1614, and bringing this committee together presented a real crisis in France. -
Start of French Revolution
Too many problems had occurred up until this point with no solutions. The citizens became furious with the government's inability to solve the countries issues, and the people decided it was time to revolt and show their unhappiness. -
Abolition of Monarchy in France
The Enlightenment opened people's eyes to see that an absolute monarchy does not have the best interest in mind for its citizens. Also, with the social and economic situation at its worst, it was time to abandon the current regime and government for one that cares about its people. -
Start of mass emigration of the French
Once King Louis XVI had been arrested and soon to be put to trial, people soon realized that this was nothing to underestimate. It showed that no one was too rich or too important to be killed. Also, when people started to see how frequent executions became, many people realized they needed to leave the country to save their lives. Counterrevolutions and Jewish population in France were forced to find new homes. Many emigrants decided to move to Britain, but many did flee to America. -
The Reign of Terror and Execution of King Louis XVI
The leader of this movement was Maximilien Robespierre, and his mission was to kill anyone who opposed the revolution. This period of time that started with the execution of King Louis XVI. The people of France, more importantly Robespierre, felt that he needed to face justice and punishment for his crimes against the people. The Reign of Terror popularized the guillotine and most victims were killed this way. -
Death of Robespierre and End of Reign of Terror
Robespierre became too powerful during the Reign of Terror. The people who once followed and supported him realized that he had developed an obsession with killing whomever had the slightest doubt about the revolution. Robespierre eventually fell victim to the guillotine himself, which showed the irony of the situation. Not only did his own hubris manage to get him killed, he died from the machine he made famous. -
End of French Revolution
Napoleon Bonaparte established himself "first consul" after he had overthrown the French directory due to their incompetence. Napoleon had gained country wide support during the years of the French Revolution for his victories on the battlefield. Once he had been appointed to now lead France, the French Revolution ended and The Napoleonic Era began.