French Revolution

  • Estate General Called

    Estate General Called
    When King Louis XIV spent all the France's money for the 7 year war, France became poorer until they were in debt. The recent King, Louis XVI called all the 3 French estate for a General Estate Meeting. This was the first meeting after 175 years. He called the meeting to address their financial issues.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    The National Assembly was formed when the third estate stormed out and ot locked out from the meeting and due to the biased decisions of the King they didn't accomplished any goals even though, they had the most population in the French society because of the one vote for estate rule. The National Assembly created a document called "Declaration of the rights of man and citizen".
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    When the National Assembly was formed, they took a pledge in a tennis court and was called the 'Tennis Court Oath' that they wanted to become a Constitutional Monarchy which means, sharing all the social system to all of the French nation and not from the King.
  • The Storming Of The Bastille

    The Storming Of The Bastille
    Fall in Bastille was the spark of the revolution. The National Assembly stormed in the Bastille, French prison, killed all the royal guards,freed all the seven prisoners and took all the gunpowder,guns and other weapons.
  • Constitutional Monarchy Formed

    Constitutional Monarchy Formed
    Before the National Assembly was formed the French nation was in an Absolute Monarchy and as when the National Assembly started doing the physical changes to slowly ripping the power from the king, an example of that is when the women marched to Versailles to stormed the palace and demanded King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette to move to Paris to know what's going on to their society. From this event they slowly turned into a Constitutional Monarchy.
  • France a Republic

    France a Republic
    Constitutional Monarchy was formed, the National Assembly abolished feudalism and the creation of national symbols 'Liberty,Equality,Brotherhood' and focused on the citizen instead of the nobles ,church and especially to the king. And over the time the government structure changes, moving power further away from the king until the king has no power at all. That's when France became a republic country
  • King Louis XVI and Marie Antoniette Beheaded

    King Louis XVI and Marie Antoniette Beheaded
    King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette was executed by the decision of the French nation which is to kill the king and anyone who was related.King Louis XVI was executed in January 21, 1793. Marie Antoinette was in a strict surveillance and executed 9 months after King Louis XVI died.
  • Reign Of Terror Begins

    Reign Of Terror Begins
    After they beheaded the royal family, the Reign of terror begins. It was lead by Maximilian Robespierre and it was ruled by group of men called ' Committee of Public Safety'.They falsely accused anyone. They would arrest and execute people who they suspected not loyal to the revolution.
  • Reign Of Terror End

    Reign Of Terror End
    The people in France felt anxious and paranoid during this period. Thousand of people was beheaded by the dictator, Robespierre.Even the smallest mistake you can be executed.That's when the nation decided to end the reign and terror. The reign of terror comes to an end when Robespierre was arrested and executed with his fellow Jacobins.