French Revolution

By JJ3283
  • Estates General Called

    Estates General Called
    King Louis XVI asked the Parliament for a new tax so they had to register the law, but Parliament refused and made the King call the Estates General for the first time in 175 years. (1614)
  • Bread Shortage

    Bread Shortage
    There was a bad harvest in 1787-88 and there was a decrease in the manufacturing which led to leaving people unemployed and riots.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The Estates General is called to meet in Versailles in which they ended up arguing over voting for 6 weeks. The 3rd Estate declares it the National Assembly.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    3 days later they show up to Versailles and get locked out, so they go to a close by indoor tennis court, where they swear to meet until a constitution is made.
  • Bastille Day

    Bastille Day
    900 people of Paris stormed the Bastille to try to get weapons to fight the King. In the end they got no weapons, freed prisoners and cut of the warden's head.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    It affirmed free speech and press, made it so all men are free and equal, political position should be based on talent, and no group should be exempt from taxation.
  • Women March

    Women March
    People are looking for bread and the fishwives find out first to see they is no bread and march to Versailles. The next day they get into the castle and kill some people.
  • Sans-Culottes

    Mob in Paris attacks the royal palace and Legislative Assembly. End up taking the king captive and demand bread and new Constitution
  • French Republic

    French Republic
    Jean-Paul Marat ran the country and soon abolished the monarchy and sets up the French Republic
  • King Beheaded

    King Beheaded
    Jacobins want the king dead, so they capture him and put him in the Guillotine and cut his head off.
  • Committee of Public Saftey

    Committee of Public Saftey
    Gains broad powers in response to external and internal issues and rise of Maximilian Robespierre.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    led by Jacobins and Robespierre with support of the Sans Colotte and wanted to crush opposition to the revolution.
  • Law of Prairial

    Law of Prairial
    Executed 1,300 people in which gave Robespierre more power.
  • Prairial Uprising

    Prairial Uprising
    Sans-Culotte had an uprising which the Directory sends troops to stop the mob.
  • Constitution of Year III

    Constitution of Year III
    Had two houses for the Legislative Branch in the Council of 500 and Council of Elders.
  • Napoleon Helping

    Napoleon Helping
    Made France a lot of money in the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and that lead to a lot of bread.