french revolution

By Ema21
  • meeting of the estates general

    meeting of the estates general
    Was a meeting that included The three estates, the clergy, nobility, and peasant to determine rights, obligations, and status.
  • Fall of the Bastille

    Fall of the Bastille
    The reason why the rebel Parisians stormed the bastille was not to free any prisoners but to get arms.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    This march started with the women at the markets protesting because there was no food and good rights for the peasants and fastly the rest of the people joined them for the same cause.
  • Flight to Varennes – king tries to run away

    Flight to Varennes – king tries to run away
    it was when the royal family had a decline in royal authority for trying to escape abroad saying it was a Russian aristocratic family
  • Dissolution of the National Assembly

    Dissolution of the National Assembly
    After surviving two years, the national assembly finally dissolved.
  • Declaration of the Republic

    Declaration of the Republic
    Was founded during the french revolution. It officially started the day the national convention approved the abolition of the monarchy.
  • the Trial of Louis

    the Trial of Louis
    After being dethroned in September, in December was the trial of Louis, his execution, a key moment for the french revolution.
  • reign of the terror

    reign of the terror
    when the first french republic was created there were many massacres and public executions in response to the revolutionary fervor
  • Napoleon In

    Napoleon In
    Is when Napoleon enters to government and to change France.
  • napoleonic wars

    napoleonic wars
    they were major conflicts that lasted during the time that the emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte governed France.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence

    Latin American Wars of Independence
    where the numerous wars from Latin Americans communities against Spain for political independence. This happened shortly after the French invasion of Spain in 1807.
  • Congress of Vienna, assembly

    Congress of Vienna, assembly
    it was a meeting called with the objective of reestablishing the borders of Europe by the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte
  • War with Austria

    War with Austria
    Austria had a small disagree with Maria Antonieta's desitions so they started a little war.
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    the directory was the penultimate form of government that the first French republic take during the French revolution