French Revolution

  • 1789 BCE

    Estates General

    Estates General
    The French revolution has different types of Estates that are people who were clarified, and the estates were ¨Clergy 1st¨, Nobility 2th, and Bourgeois and the peasants who were 3rd estate. at that time the people used to listen to the king and demands them to do what he wants. The clergy was the first state during that time and they responsible for social policy and give people some charity, which also helps people to marry each other inside the church.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    Nobility was the 2nd estate, they responsible for political, rights and privileges. The 3rd estates were the peasants, the peasants were the poor people who listen to the king and do what tell them to do. the peasants were people and sometimes they don´t get what to eat. but the Bourgeois were a little bit higher than the peasants, they got some money and food while the peasants don´t even afford bread.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Tennis Court Oath is a Court that brings people together, This court is very significant to French people especially the 3rd estate because that's where they got the chance to get in the court and complain about their environment and how their living is terrible.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    During French Revolution, King Louis XIV called all the estates because he wanted some money to party and have fancy dresses. but the 3rd estate were very angry b/c they are the only ones who pay the taxes. but when the 3rd estate enter the tennis court oath they refuse the king and call themself " National Assembly and they also wanted a constitutional monarchy.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    In addition, they create a document and it's called the "Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen. they create this document to have rights and voices so that they can all be equal.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

     The Storming of the Bastille
    When the king did not listen to the 3rd estate they make a decision and they went to a state prison on the east side of Paris know as Bastille and were attacked by an aggressive mob. The storming Bastile was a significant turning point in history because the 3rd estate gained a lot of power. the most important happens during the French Revolution was when the Paris women March went to King Louis and his wife to their city so that they can show how they leave as a peasant.
  • France a Republic

    France a Republic
    France's republic accrued when everything was established and stalled down. when also happens the establishment of nationalism symbols focused on the citizens instead of the nobility or the church, it also makes a declaration of the right of man and abolishes Feudalism. and at that time the king Louis doesn't have a lot of power to defend himself.
  • Beheaded

    King Louis XIV and his wife doesn't get an opportunity to live in this world, over time the government structure charge time moving power further and further away from the king because he neglected them. That's when King Louis and his wife Marian chopped their heads at the man called Rebespiarra.
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    Reign of Terror Ends
    The Reign of Terror ended when people were decreasing b/c their head will be chopped off if they talk about king Louis, the people can't take it anymore so they decided to get rid of the group leader who commands his group, because the leader was going too far and people were very fearful of the guillotine. so they determine to go to the leader and cut his head so that they don't cause any problem and that's how the Reign terror ends.
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Reign of Terror Begins
    The leader of Reign of Terror is Roberspiarra, He's the one who commanded his group to kill King Louis and his wife Maria. this situation begins when the king Louis is gone on Earth. and this case scared many more people who are afraid to lose their soul. however, the Roberspiarra leader will kill every single person who talks about something that is attacked by the king Louis.