Period: to
French Revolution
Third Estate becomes the National Assembly
After being locked out of the Estate's-General, the 3rd Estate created the National Assembly. Later on, they became one of the largest influences during the Revolution and decided/created many laws. -
Women's Riots
On this date, women marched through the streets of Paris calling for the king and queen. This shows that at one point, the situation was so terrible that women began to revolt -
King Accepts New Constitution
By signing the new constitution, the king lost his power over the country. Hoping he would still have power, that plan failed and he was later executed. -
Legaslative Assembly Formed
The Legaslative Assembly created many laws for France and helped write the new Constitution. They took over the government after the king and queen were executed. -
France Declares War on Austria
Austria was doing whatever was possible to have France's monarchs return to power. Seeing this as a threat, France's government declared war. -
National Convention Abolishes the Monarchy
France became a Republic after the Monarchy was abolished. People were gaining rights as revolutionists took over. -
Louis XVI Executed
Louis XVI's execution brought hope to the people of France. It gave them hope and brought change in the country. -
War Declared on Great Britain and the Netherlands
These two countries were losing as a threat to France. So, France took action and declared war, later becoming victorius. -
Marat Assassinated
Marat was a head Jacobin and had much power. However, due to different beliefs, he was assassinated and was one of the first of many Jacobins to experience that fate. -
Robespierre Elected into the Committee of Public Safety
The Jacobins had a great influence over the CPS. It grew even larger as Robespierre took over higher roles. -
Reign of Terror Begins
Many people were executed by the guillotine during this cruel era. The leader, Robespierre, was executed by the CPS for killing anyone who challenged him. -
Marie Antoinette Executed
Marie was tried for treason and was found guilty by the Revolutionary Tribunal. She was the last monarch to live in France. -
Slavery Abolished in Colonies
Slavery was abolished in France's colonies, specifically Saint-Domingue. This showed that other people were gaining rights/ -
Jacobins Murdered in a Massacre
The Jacobins had little power and say in the government at the time, but we're still cruel to many. And on this date, many Jacobins were murdered in a massacre. -
France Victorious Against All Enemies
France finally won all the wars that they declared on neighboring and relatively close countries. France was getting stronger and recovering from the loss of leaders. -
Robespierre Executed
Robespierre was a cruel leader of the Jacobins and Committee of Public Safety. Other members of the CPS tried Robespierre for tyranny, found him guilty, and had him executed. -
Churches Reopened
France's government allowed Churches to reopen and spread faith to the people of the country. Change was occurring throughout the country and giving hope to Radicals. -
Napoleon Named Commander-in-Chief
Napoleon finally gained control of all military branches. He had great success and took control of the country when needed. -
Napoleon Wins Against Austria
Napoleon winning against Austria played a very important role. It gave him a larger name and more people supported him. -
Napoleon Named Dictator
Napoleon overthrow the Directory and officially became head of the country. He was a military dictator and helped bring the country out from its past failures.