Liberty leading the people

French Revolution

By Tariq
  • Meeting of the Estates General.

    Meeting of the Estates General.
    The estates General were reluctantly summoned by king XVI with the aim to solve the monarchy financial crisis.
  • Tennis court oath

    Tennis court oath
    After being removed from the estates General, the third Estates forms the Nation Assembly.
  • What started the French Revolution

    What started the French Revolution
    It began on July 14, 1789 when revolutionaries storms a prison called the Bastille.
  • Fall of the Bastille

    Fall of the Bastille
    an angry crowed marched on the Bastille, a medieval fortress in east Paris that was mostly political prisoners.
  • Civil Constitution of the clergy.

    The civil constitution of the clergy is publish allowing France government control of the church.
  • Royal Family attempts to flee

    King Louis and his family attempts to flee from France but are caught at venerates.
  • Dissolution of the Nationals Assembly

    Dissolution of the Nationals Assembly
    The long awaited constitutions finally came into an effect.
  • WAR

    France declared war on Australia
  • Declaration of the republic and the trial of Louis

    The first act of the latter was to declare France as a republic.