the guilliton
the guilliton was used to kill people. the guilliton was made to behead people including the kind and queen. -
march of versallies
thousands of wemon marched to versallies. the wemon captured the king and queen -
the bastille was full of gun powder. the 3rd estate broke into the bastille to get gunpowder. -
meeting at the estate general
they feared that they would be in a financial crisis. they made the 3rd estate pay taxes -
tennis court oath
the 3rd estate was trying to meet and the king locked the door. the 3rd estate moved to the tennis court to make the DRM -
declaration of the rights of man
the DRM is the freedom for the 3rd etate. the DRM is saying thatthat all people are free -
fight to varennes
the king had veto power. the national accembly was working on constitution for france. -
discussion of the national accembly
france made a constitotional monarchy. the french made a ledgislative brance -
the revolutionary war had fear and anger. their was alot of people wanting europe and france to go to war. -
attack on the tuileries palace.
the king and queen ascaped and was protected by the legislation branch. 20,000 people attacked the tuileries -
trial of ling louis
king louis was chrged with treason. they declared that king louis ws guilty and was scentenced to death by the guillitine. -
king louis is killed
king louis is scentenced with treason. He is scentanced to die from the guilitine. -
reigh of terror
the national accembly decided to scare the 3rd estate. they used the guillitine to kill 16,000 peolpe. -
fall of robespierre
he sent citezins to the guillitine. he would send people to the guillitine for no reason. -
rise of napoleon
the national convention made a new constitution. napoleon was in charge of the new constitution. -
france at war
napoleon lead his soldiers to win the war. they won some and lost some.